BaCCC/Video Summaries/How Did the Youth Climate Movement Begin?

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Video Summary

How Did the Youth Climate Movement Begin? (4:05)

  • In 2018, a Swedish girl named Greta Thunberg protested with a sign saying, “School Strike for Climate.”
  • Greta’s campaign sparked a global movement inspiring young people around the world to organise their own strikes.
  • By September 2019, there were over 3 million school strikers.
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic, the movement went virtual.
  • Much of the climate crisis is linked to despair, eco-anxiety and feelings of hopelessness, but people raising awareness and talking about the movement have given the youth hope.
  • The youth climate movement has grown a lot over the past few years, and its presence was front and central at the 2022 COP.