BaCCC/Video Summaries/Developing a Project Proposal – Using a Theory of Change in a Climate Change Project

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Video Summary

Developing a Project Proposal – Using a Theory of Change in a Climate Change Project (3:40)

  • A theory of change is a specific type of methodology for planning, participation and evaluation that is used in companies, philanthropy, not-for-profit and government sectors to promote systemic change.
  • A theory of change provides you with tools to link national and international outcomes with your project activity.
  • The components of a theory of change are
    • resources or inputs
    • activities
    • outputs
    • short-term outcomes (1-3 years)
    • medium-term outcomes (+5 years)
    • long-term outcomes (+10 years)
  • Resources refer to things that are needed to operate or implement the project.
  • Activities refer to things you plan to do if you have access to your required resources.
  • Outputs are a direct result of your project.
  • Outcomes refer to the short- to medium-term results of your project.
  • Impacts refer to the long-term expected changes in organisations, communities or systems as a result of participants benefitting from the project.
  • Impacts are more difficult to measure, as they are long-term and can be high-level.
  • The theory of change divides your project into two parts: your planned work and your intended results.
  • Your planned work includes resources or inputs and activities, while your intended results include outputs, outcomes and impacts.