BaCCC/Video Summaries/Climate Justice Is Social Justice

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Video Summary

Climate Justice Is Social Justice (9:15)

  • No one can escape the climate crisis; it will, whether we choose to accept it or not, affect every single one of us.
  • Those who are the least responsible are already suffering the consequences.
  • At the heart of climate change is a deep injustice; it is people of colour, women and Indigenous communities who are on the front lines and are most at risk.
  • A lot of the success and development of the Global North has come at the cast of the Global South.
  • Colonialism provided access to countries where oil and gas were present; then slavery helped finance the Industrial Revolution, which contributed to creating the climate crisis.
  • The share of punishing, brutal global impacts is concentrated in countries that are the least prepared to deal with them and have done the least to create the problem, causing migration and creating the term “climate refugees.”
  • Climate change is exacerbating global inequality in a dramatic way.
  • Climate justice is a human-centred approach to taking on climate change while also addressing the intersecting social issues that created it, such as capitalism, resource extraction, labour exploitation, etc.
  • The Green New Deal is a plan to take on climate change while addressing social inequalities.
  • The Green New Deal will rapidly decarbonise emissions by modernising energy, transport, housing and food systems and create millions of green jobs in the process.
  • Climate justice may be a complex issue, but its aim is simple – for everyone to have access to a liveable and healthy environment.