BaCCC/Video Summaries/Are Women the Climate Change Solution We’re Looking for?

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Video Summary

Are Women the Climate Change Solution We’re Looking for? (5:20)

  • Women are indispensable for any restoration project to be complete, sustainable and overall successful.
  • Rural women around the globe are at the forefront of climate change, but women’s voices are not always welcome in this conversation.
  • Climate change is not gender neutral; it does not affect all of us in the same way.
  • Marginalised groups, such as rural women from countries in the Global South, have the fewest opportunities to protect themselves against extreme weather events.
  • 80% of people displaced by climate change are women.
  • Women are remarkable sources to mobilise communities when it most matters.
  • Gender inequality means we are losing precious time, knowledge and energy to adapt to climate change.
  • Rural women keep passing on their wisdom; if we choose to listen to them, we help ourselves prepare for a changing climate.