BaCCC/Video Summaries/An Introduction to Climate Justice

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Video Summary

An Introduction to Climate Justice (3:21)

  • Climate justice evolved from the concept of environmental justice, emerging in the discourse in the 1980s, and then moved beyond to include the impact of climate change.
  • Environmental issues are social issues.
  • Climate justice considers the way in which the climate crisis disproportionately impacts marginalised communities.
  • Climate justice is a human-centred approach to climate activism that takes into consideration the common factor that ties the climate movement to other worldwide movements.
  • Climate justice demands the most equitable, fair and inclusive solution to the climate crisis.
  • At the global level, those who are the least responsible suffer the biggest consequences.
  • At the community level, marginalised groups are the most exposed and vulnerable.
  • The present generation has a duty towards future generations.
  • We must demand equitable, fair and inclusive solutions to the climate crisis, which is what climate justice is all about.