BaCCC/Video Summaries/Adaptation vs. Mitigation Climate Change Solutions
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Video Summary
Adaptation vs. Mitigation Climate Change Solutions (2:44)
- Adaptation is trying to fix the effects of climate change and finding solutions to actual or predicted damage. It is like being on a leaking ship and bailing the water out as quickly as possible.
- Adaptation can include building defences against sea level rise or behavioural shifts, such as reducing food waste, eating less meat, using less plastic and saving water.
- With adaptation, we adjust our ways to live in a future impacted by the climate crisis.
- Mitigation is trying to fix the cause of climate change. It is like being on a leaking ship and trying to plug the hole so the water stops pouring in.
- Mitigation includes reducing the sources of greenhouse gases, retrofitting buildings and vehicles to be more energy efficient, and enhancing carbon sinks.
- The goal of mitigation is to stabilise greenhouse gas levels to where ecosystems can naturally adapt to climate change.
- Although adaptation and mitigation are because of the same crisis, neither option is enough on its own.