BaCCC/Module 6/Introduction

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Module 6: Adaptation and Resilience

Figure 1- Relationships among Risks, Resilience, Hazard Mitigation, and Climate Change Adaptation (27242486244)



It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.

—Charles Darwin

As you have been learning (and perhaps noticing), climate change is here. Beyond doing everything we can to cut greenhouse gas emissions and slow the pace of global warming (Module 4 – Mitigation), we must also make changes so that we can withstand the consequences of climate change and protect ourselves, our families and our communities (adaptation – this module). Of course, there are limits to how much we can adapt, so adaptation and mitigation must go hand in hand.

The impacts of climate change vary depending on where you live. These might be fires or floods, droughts, hotter or colder days, wild storms and heavy precipitation or sea level rise – and research now shows that these impacts are increasing in their intensity, their frequency and/or their duration.

The consequences of climate change will affect many areas of life; so, while we are trying to mitigate climate change (by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and growing food in climate-smarter ways), adaptation also needs to take place at all levels. Our families and communities, as well as our economies and societies as a whole, need to become more resilient to climate change impacts.  

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Module Outcomes

Upon completion of this Module, you will be able to:

  • define and give examples of climate change adaptation and resilience to climate change impacts;
  • explore and discuss effective adaptation strategies at different levels;
  • take simple adaptive measures yourself; and
  • explain ecosystem services and why their health is important to our resilience.

Learning Approach

Module 6 is divided into three lessons:

  • Lesson 1: What Is Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience?
  • Lesson 2: Climate Change Refugees and Migration or Displacement
  • Lesson 3: Building Resilience Through Ecosystem Services (Nature’s Gifts)

This module is longer than the others, and that is because it asks you to become active in your family’s and community’s adaptation strategies. Please take this module very seriously – it may one day save your life or the life of a loved one.

All the lessons have in-text activities that are meant to help you understand important climate change concepts and enable you to interact with the lesson. You are advised to do these exercises before proceeding to the next lesson, as they will help you check to see if you really understand what you have read.

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Adapting to a Changing Climate (19:33)

Before proceeding to Lesson 1, watch this video from the United Nations, Adapting to a Changing Climate (19:33), to get an overview of this module.

(You can adjust the playback speed and/or turn on subtitles/captions.)

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It is a long one, so do not feel that you have to watch it all at once. But it is a good overview of climate adaptation from a global perspective.