BaCCC/Module 4/Lesson 3/Part 2

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Green and blue jobs that are available (or should be)

Here is a list of job sectors in the blue economy. As you can imagine, there are several different jobs in each sector. Also, many of these jobs will overlap with the green job sectors.

Blue economy job sectors

Remember that each of these requires people working on the (customer) service side as well as the innovation side to “green” the sectors and the jobs in them. While these sectors are water-related, they are not necessarily environmentally friendly sectors until they have been greened . . . so there will be plenty of jobs for young people trained in environmental, climate change and sustainability thinking and skills.

  • Aquaculture
  • Fisheries and fish processing
  • Marinas, ports and warehousing
  • Shipbuilding and repair
  • Maritime transport
  • Desalination and water projects
  • Coastal tourism
  • Biotechnology
  • Marine data and research
  • Maritime spatial planning
  • Supplies and services provision
  • Ocean energy (wave and tidal)
  • Offshore wind energy
  • Mineral resources
  • Civil and environmental engineering
  • Wastewater and water pollution
  • Coastal and environmental protection
  • Coastal or waterfront landscaping
  • Hydrology, flood mitigation or wetland management

(The offshore oil and gas sector must and will be phased out as we move to zero-carbon energy as a climate change mitigation strategy.)

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1. In your learning journal, do some research to come up with a similar list of green job sectors and green jobs.

2. Next, tick off at least three of those green jobs that are available in your community. Choose the one you are most interested in, and do some research to find out what education and skills training you would need to get in order to be hired for that job.

3. If you live near the ocean, also list three blue jobs available to you (from the list above).

4. Lastly, come up with at least one green job (and one blue job, if you live near the coast) that should be created because you see a need in your community or country. Do some research to see if anyone has “invented” that job yet, and where.

Discuss your findings with a family member or friend. Can they think of other possible green and blue jobs available to you? PS If you get stuck, there is a list of green job sectors at the end of this module.

If you are quite interested in blue jobs, you can learn more about the Blue Economy by taking this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course): The Blue Economy: Blue Space,

The Blue Economy: Blue Space[1]


  1. COL, n.d. The Blue Economy: Blue Space