BaCCC/Module 4/Lesson 1/Part 2

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Mitigation strategies that impact the world’s most vulnerable people

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The Energy Africa Needs to Develop – and Fight Climate Change (6:50)

First, watch this powerful video, The Energy Africa Needs to Develop – and Fight Climate Change (6:50), and think about what its message means for where you live.

(You can adjust the playback speed and/or turn on subtitles/captions.)

If you have trouble accessing the video, a summary is available below.

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(Please note that adaptation and resilience will be covered in depth in Module 6.)

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It is time to use your critical thinking skills again. Create a four-column chart in your learning journal like the one here. Using the information below, mark off whether the mitigation strategy would be harmful or useful specifically for the people in your community. Explain why or how, and then come up with an alternative mitigation strategy that would suit your community. Seek the advice of others, or discuss your chart with a friend or family member to get their feedback.

Mitigation strategy! Harmful or useful to my community? Why / How? Alternatives? (How to mitigate the mitigation?)

Some climate change mitigation can negatively affect the world’s most vulnerable people in the following ways:

Mitigation strategies
a) Use renewable energy

Most poor people cannot afford to use renewable energy, such as solar or wind power. Establishing or buying equipment to generate such energy is expensive. Unless the equipment is purchased and installed by the government (directly or through subsidies), the use of such methods for mitigating climate change could economically hurt people in low-income communities.

b) Use zero-carbon transportation

Vulnerable people usually do not have a choice in the type of transportation they use. Many low-income communities rely on cheap public transport, which uses fossil fuels. Most vehicles that use batteries or solar power are expensive, and the poor cannot afford to buy them.

c) Stop deforestation

Forest conservation is one of the factors that can mitigate climate change. Unfortunately, many vulnerable and poor communities rely on forest products as their source of energy for cooking and heating.

d) Use less synthetic fertiliser

Many poor farmers in the world rely on synthetic fertilisers for their agriculture. It would hurt them if governments suddenly decided to ban their use.