Albany Senior High School/Impact Projects/Cluster 4
Leader: Lee Devinsh Focus Groups: Visual Arts, Media, Design, Carving, Languages.
Movie 'Insight'
Students: Kirsty Antunovich, Anastasia Mursalim and Minah Sta Maria
This group created a very polished short film. Kirsty was also able to use the film in her L2 Media filmmaking standard. The planning was well done, the process thoroughly documented and the film completed by deadline. The film will also be able to be used as an exemplar for future L2 media classes. Here is a taste of the film they created.....
The Gecko Seat
Students: Charlotte Dunning, Orrin Riley, Rochelle Schutte, Rae Stott
The aim of this project was to create a long lasting sculpture representing some of the facets of Albany Senior High School. The gecko seat features mosaic in the colours of the school's learning communities. The project started in Art and ended in Hard Materials. In the course of this project the girls learn't many new skills, (they had never visited the hard tech room before!). They also showed amazing perseverence, resilience and persistence as their gecko progressed. They worked on the seat in and out of school hours to make sure they completed it in time. The seat is on display on Level 4 of the school and will be enjoyed for years to come.
Clay Classes
Students: Anna Kepa, Meghan Pierce
Anna and Meghan made a strong link with Upper Harbour Primary School inspiring the creativity of younger students through Art. They taught a class for three lessons - making small clay models that reflected the students' personalities. The girls showed excellent preparation, execution and documentation and their young students really enjoyed their chance to create with clay.
Mural with Albany Primary
Rhianne Cavenagh, Ashley Meeken, Nicole Koen and Mandi de Villier
Rhianne, Ashley, Nicole and Mandi collaborated with Albany Primary School to create a mural. With a class of year 2 students they created a series of murals that followed the story of the hungry caterpillar with a kiwiana twist where the caterpillar ate hokey pokey ice cream, kiwi fruit and pavlova. They had an amazing experience teaching these students to paint whether inside or outside the lines and enjoyed the celebration with the students of seeing it completed.
NZ History Cartoon SHANE
Student:Emily Bing
NZ has a very unique interesting history and Emily wanted to portray that in a visual form that was educational, attention grabbing and familiar to younger readers: a comic strip. She has created a learning resource that has potential to be used in education, promoting NZ's history in a fun, natural way. The use of technology enabled Emily to create a whole different way of drawing comic strips.
A-Z Photography