Albany Senior High School/Curriculum plans/Product Design

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Curriculum Plan for Product Design

What is Product Design?

Our mission statement - “To stimulate and nurture a student’s interest in technology by creative problem solving through interaction within an ever changing society”

== Successful product design involves learning from other designs which have features similar to the ones students want to reflect in their product. An essential skill therefore is that students are able to evaluate the quality of a product against a set of recognised criteria and that they are able to identify the features of a product that make it either a success or failure. This approach is essential in providing a good framework within which students can start to develop their ideas with confidence gained perhaps from studying the work of a successful designer, design movement or a particularly successful product. What were the reasons for the movement? (often driven by societal needs), What impact did the designs have on society? What impact did society have on the designs? This develops the idea that we do not design in a vacuum, a design be it good or bad will have an impact on the user, how do we ensure that this will be a positive one? When students justify their own design decisions their approach is from a standpoint of adopting ideas from other successful outcomes and they are able to explain why these designs were successful and therefore what the likely strengths, and weaknesses of their own design may be. Product Design therefore has a foundation in literacy and an understanding of it`s place within society and with societal needs at it`s centre.

Product Design at ASHS is made up of five specialist subject areas which are :

Food Technology
Design and Visual Communication
Textiles Technology
Digital Technology
Hard Materials Technology.

Each subject has its own set of Achievement Standards in the aligned Technology matrix. This ensures that they have their own set of individual characteristics which allow students to follow particular specialisms across the department. There are also a set of generic standards which can be used to create a project based format containing a number of standards running together providing a holistic format.

Cross departmental liaison
Across the department there are opportunities for cross departmental support broadening opportunities for students to engage in a number of subject areas in realising their design outcome. This is particularly important at Level 3 where students
are working independently with teachers taking on more of a mentoring role.

Examples of cross departmental support:
Digital Technology supporting DVC students in developing CAD drawings of a architectural design
DVC students taking design outcomes into the workshop and realising them through practical development into functioning products.
Hard Materials students adding a textiles feature to a design ie cushions for a chair
and working on this aspect in the textiles classroom.
Hard materials students using a virtual electronics programme to design an electric circuit for a lighting product.
Food Technology may integrate more closely with the Science or Health departments based on current teaching focuses of chemical change and nutrition.

Desired skills and dispositions of a Product Design student at ASHS

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Students develop their skills at seeing problems from different angles and formulating their own solutions. To practice this, teachers present students with situations in which they need to develop individual solutions – where skills that they have already developed can be drawn upon and applied to help them to work through a problem.

Students need to be comfortable with the idea of change and be willing to adapt to the changes around them. Teachers need to create a dynamic environment within the classroom. Varying the teaching strategies, the setup of the classroom, the ways that learning is demonstrated by students, and the guidelines for peer work relationships or homework can help students learn to adapt.

Co Contruction
There is an understanding that teachers are willing to listen to student ideas about improving the classroom. Students have the opportunity to discuss ideas and put them into practice – even if an idea may be failing students tend to adapt their thinking very quickly in this situation and things can improve quickly. There can be a valuable lesson here on how to analyze their `live` responses with a view to thinking about their meta cognitive processing and how it could be refined or improved.

Effective Oral and Written Communication
We aim to teach our students how to speak confidently and clearly through presentation of ideas, class, peer or teacher discussion. Written communication needs continuous formative assessment with guidance given where required. Teachers need to continually emphasize vocabulary, meanings, problem solving strategies and reviewing previous work to ensure continuity.

Accessing and Analysing Information
Accessing information is easy, but accessing good information tends to be more complicated. Students need to be taught how to find what they need (and be able to trust what they find). Using a reciprocal teaching approach teachers can model by ‘think-aloud’ reading strategies, we can think-aloud Internet searching strategies. Project your screen on the board and learn about a topic with your students.

Curiosity and Imagination
Product Design students are generally naturally curious. Their imaginations often creating practical and impractical things. Our task as educators has less to do with teaching them how to be curious and imaginative, and more to do with not taking that away from them. We need to continue to encourage them to develop these skills, as well as teach them how to apply them creatively and purposefully.

Teacher Actions
This is an overview of positive actions to promote effective pedagogy in Technology. To look at these ideas in greater depth visit the website above.

Manage and monitor learning
Teachers progress student learning by providing a range of appropriately targeted and structured learning experiences that help students to become more critical, creative, and independent in their thinking and actions.
To ensure effective learning experiences, teachers should be conversant with contemporary pedagogical approaches that best support the nature of the intended learning outcome(s) and reflect student diversity, including:
students’ identity, languages, and cultures
their physical, emotional, and cognitive capabilities
their background experiences.
Teachers need to monitor student learning and engagement through formative teacher–student interactions in order to tailor new learning experiences.
Such monitoring allows teachers to identify student interest, understandings, and abilities; adjust for barriers to progress; and ascertain achievement to date (both planned and unplanned). This information allows teachers to prioritise the students’ next learning steps and modify learning experiences as required.

Assessment for learning
Monitoring student progress could include:
undertaking initial diagnostic assessment and/or analysing student achievement to identify next steps for learning
undertaking ongoing formative assessment to monitor each student’s learning and modifying learning experiences appropriately
providing opportunities for summative assessment (evidence for judgments against course learning outcomes and standards)
reporting student achievement to multiple audiences, including students, caregivers, the next teacher/school.

Manage resources
Students need access to a wide range of resources selected to support the learning focus if they are to participate effectively in technology learning experiences.
Resources in technology should be physically, socially, and culturally appropriate and related to or supported by such things as:
specialist equipment
safe and accessible environment(s)
materials that allow for authentic practice and quality outcomes
immediate and wider community stakeholders, technologists, and other relevant experts
existing technologies and case studies of others’ technological practice for analysis and critique
enough time to achieve intended learning outcomes.
As students progress, they should be supported to identify and source the the resource(s) they require for themselves.

Develop curriculum understanding
Teachers need to plan technology courses, including targeted learning experiences, that align the technology achievement and learning objectives with the students’ own physical, social, and cultural worlds.
Alignment of their learning in technology with their everyday reality will support students in developing their own technology understandings and competencies.
Knowledge of the curriculum and specialist strands
Students need to know about both the curriculum and the specialist components.
Knowing how to teach the components
For students to develop understandings, skills, and/or practices aligned to the technology components, teachers need to plan and deliver focused teaching and learning activities.
Recognising barriers to understanding
Teachers need to be aware of barriers that hinder student understandings in order to address these.

A positive attitude toward technology
Students will take cues from you in the way they talk about technology and technology education.
Maintain currency in the knowledge and skills of specialist technology area(s)
To ensure students are presented with contemporary understandings “in” and “about” technology, teachers should keep up to date with such things as: current issues, new developments, and potential and probable future directions.
Teachers also need to be aware of changes in specific knowledge and skills, which may require shifts in pedagogical approaches.
Engage technologists’ input into learning
Supporting students to interact with practicing technologists enables them to explore and critically evaluate what technologists do and how and why they do it. This allows students to develop their understanding about the nature of technology and of technology as a discipline.
Engaging with practicing technologists can also help them to identify opportunities for their own technological practice.
When students work alongside technologists, it provides further opportunity for them to enhance their knowledge and skills in one or more specialist areas of technology, and deepen their viewpoints on the nature of technological endeavour.
Connecting students with technologists can result in motivating experiences and positive attitudes for students and teachers. It often provides opportunities to develop awareness of contemporary technology careers.
Value and engage with individual student’s identity, language, and culture
Technology offers rich contexts to engage students in authentic learning that encourages and supports them to explore and express their identity, language, and culture and understand other cultures and identities.
For example, developing and understanding technological outcomes that are fit for purpose relies on understanding diverse perspectives; mediating contesting priorities; and making informed decisions, which take into account such things as cultural values, ethics, sustainable resources, as well as technical feasibility.
In technology, there is a very strong emphasis on connecting with local communities to address authentic community issues, pick up on opportunities to make a positive difference, and access expertise that resides within student whānau, iwi, and the wider community.

Support and manage risk taking
Teachers need to manage risk taking when challenging existing ideas and student capabilities.
Teachers who encourage and support students to take calculated risks in their technological practice support them to evolve ideas into previously unconsidered or innovative outcomes that are technically feasible and socially acceptable.
It can be particularly empowering for students who have impaired dexterity and/or physical disabilities to be supported and challenged to overcome these barriers and achieve.
Plan for and undertake safe work practices
Planning for and undertaking safe work practice should be part of regular classroom routines.
The Ministry of Education guide Safety and Technology Education: A Guidance Manual for New Zealand Schools has been designed to help classroom teachers take an active role in planning for the safety of their students and themselves when involved in technology education activities.
The first two sections of this manual, "Planning for safety in technology education" and "Legal requirements and responsibilities", set a framework for aspects that teachers need to consider when planning for safety in classroom practice.
Promote creativity
Joyce Wycoff (1991) defined creativity as the act of “seeing things that everyone around us sees while making connections that no one else has made” (Mindmapping: Your Personal Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem-Solving, p. 12).
To enable students to be creative thinkers and develop creative outcomes in technology teachers need to establish a learning environment where students are confident in: taking risks, drawing from personal experience and intuition, expressing their thoughts and feelings openly, and testing their thinking and design ideas and where they are prepared for and responsive to potential failure.

Promote enterprising attributes
Innovative and successful technologies are often underpinned by enterprising attributes. These attributes, as described in the Education for Enterprise website encompass:
generating, identifying, and assessing opportunities
identifying, assessing, and managing risks
collecting, organising, and analysing information
generating and using creative ideas and processes
identifying solving and preventing problems
identifying, recruiting, and managing resources
matching personal goals and capabilities to an undertaking
working with others and in teams
being flexible and dealing with change
negotiating and influencing
using initiative and drive
monitoring and evaluating
communicating and receiving ideas and information
planning and organising
being fair and responsible.Teachers should provide opportunity for students to analyse past and contemporary developments to identify the role enterprising attributes have played in developing technical feasible and socially acceptable technologies.
Encouraging students to be enterprising in their own practice often results in increased motivation, higher quality outcomes, and a greater commitment community responsibility.

Promote literacy in technology
Language is fundamental to thinking and learning. Technology uses a range of specialist language to represent and communicate ideas and outcomes. Promoting the use the language of technology and encouraging students to use it increases their general competency and confidence in oral, written, and visual literacy activities.
Technology frequently provides students with opportunities to select their own context, which motivates them to develop the sophisticated literacy skills they need to generate and discuss ideas and access a range of information to inform decision making.

Students in technology need specific help from teachers as they learn:
the specialist vocabulary associated with technology
how to read and understand technological terms and texts
how to communicate knowledge and ideas using the language of technology
how to listen and read critically and to assess the value of what they hear and read.
For technology teachers to support student learning, they need to:
know their students and their language learning needs
identify the language demands of the curriculum
make the outcomes the same for all
support students to make abstract concepts concrete
recycle language/terminology so that it becomes an integral part of students’ vocabulary
encourage students to self-evaluate and strive for improvement.

Promote numeracy in technology
Numeracy is the ability to understand numbers and calculations. For students to be considered numerate, they need to combine mathematical, contextual, and strategic know-how.
In technology, numeracy plays a vital role when students undertake technological practice to develop and communicate design ideas and realise outcomes.
All teachers have a role to play in helping to develop students’ numeracy skills. It is, therefore, important that technology teachers identify ways to support students to develop numeracy skills in a way that fits with the technology curriculum.
Allow for variation in outcome and practice
Technology encourages students to develop innovative and creative outcomes that address authentic identified needs and/or opportunities.
Teachers should be flexible in supporting students as they undertake both individual and group projects. Encourage and celebrate differences in student and group technological practice and in the outcomes of these projects.



At Albany Senior High School

  • we nurture each other
  • we inspire each other
  • we empower each other

How will we contribute to the realisation of the school’s vision?

  • In Product Design young adults will develop an awareness that creativity and a sense of social responsibility are at the heart of good technological practice. They will learn that Product Design requires a purposeful approach and will value the contribution that others have made in the past and that they can make to the improvement of current and future lives.


  • Excellence in all that we do.
  • Warm, mutually respectful relationships.
  • Families as part of our learning community.
  • Fairness, openness, honesty and trust.
  • Learning together and making decisions together.
  • Using evidence and reflection to make decisions.
  • Curiosity and enquiry, creativity and innovation.
  • Contributing to our local and global communities.
  • Protecting and enhancing the environment.
  • Diversity that enriches our learning community.

How will we affirm and promote the school’s values?

  • We will promote excellence in all we do through:
    By a commitment to continual improvement of practice. By using accurate formative assessment to set realistic, challenging targets for each student.
    By engendering intrinsic motivation in students through ownership of the design problem.
    By maintaining high expectations based on individual best practice and targets for progression.
  • Fairness, openness, honesty and trust through:
    By adopting a transparent approach to teaching and learning activities.
    By providing ongoing feedback to students, parents and other interested parties.
    By being approachable and responding to student queries and issues.
    By maintaining a genuine, ongoing interest in students learning.

  • Learning together and making decisions together through:
    A continuous process of shared target setting and clarifying ongoing needs for progress through discussion with students and parents.
    Supporting students as they tackle the design process within their focussed project areas.
    By offering alternative ideas and contexts which support student problem solving skills.

  • Using evidence and reflection to make decisions through:
    Scheduled submission dates and feedback for inquiry based assessment tasks
    Facilitating a range of learning activities in order to develop individual study skills.
    Student research findings being built into the ongoing design process.

  • Delight in learning through:
    Being an autonomous, creative problem solver.

    Engaging in real world needs for design solutions.
    Appreciating the excitement of new technology and the successful creation of new solutions to design problems.
    Through making a contribution to the sustainability and improvement of our society.

  • Participating in the local community and the world through:
    Through involvement with local and global agencies.
    Recognising the role of technology in improving lifestyles.
    Carrying out research to find needs and opportunities.
    Assessing information through the eyes of a technologist ie what can I do to contribute.
  • Caring for our community through:
    By showing a responsible attitude to the use of energy and resources.
    By developing positive attitudes towards taking care of our environment.
  • Diversity that enriches our learning area through:
    Contributing towards the development of a strong cross curricular culture
    Recognising the contribution that students from a broad range of cultures can make towards the school community.
  • Partnership with families through:
    Developing ongoing relations which will reinforce a strong culture of learning
    Being proactive in involving parents in the life of the school
  • The bicultural foundations of New Zealand through:
    Promoting and celebrating our shared values and our individual contributions


Expectations for teaching and learning including embedding ICTs

1. How will our teaching and learning meet the school’s expectations for 21st century pedagogy based on current research?

By providing explicit learning targets at the beginning of the lesson.
By putting learning into the context of long term targets for personal and academic success using split screening

Aligned with the ASHS teaching portrait and school curriculum and assessment policy

How will we ensure students:

    • Know what they are learning and why?
  • Through the development of quality planning which provides clear outlines on lesson objectives and milestone targets.
  • Through a continual process of formative feedback during lessons.
  • Through the development of a clearly understood pathway of teaching and learning which describes available outcomes, requirements for achievement and next steps.
  • Through the development of a differentiated approach which offers alternative outcomes adapted to individual student needs.
    • Connect learning to real life situations?
      By offering opportunities for students to solve problems which involve a client.
      By offering opportunities for students to engage with communities as an intrinsic part of the process
      Students will assess market opportunities for their products

  • Have multiple opportunities to build on existing knowledge?
    By approaching each learning target from a range of perspectives
    By adopting a spiral learning method of periodically reviewing existing knowledge and adding to it.

  • Examine and use new knowledge?
    Take care to ensure that learning is constructed so that prior knowledge is not assumed.
    Build study habits based on inquiry where students develop individual skills of research and analysis.
    Select new knowledge which can be used as a working tool to aid problem solving.

    Have time to reflect on their learning?
    Provide structured opportunities for students to think about the value of learning methods and the quality of information collected.
    Allow students to construct future learning targets at given periods.
    Iterative - Feedback from stakeholders which informs next steps.

2. How will our assessment promote effective learning?

NCEA standards used in Product Design will be appropriate for the learning needs and prior achievement of students who opt for the courses on offer. They will be chosen based on relevance to the courses which are taught.
A moderation programme which is valid, reliable and timely will support and inform assessment. Results will be recorded and announced to students as soon as possible following this process.
The results of all formal, formative and diagnostic assessments carried out
will be made available on request to interested parties.
A process of diagnostic assessment will be part of all Technology courses and will be used to assess to what extent programmes are meeting student learning needs in order to improve outcomes.

Product Design will work with the principals nominee to ensure that all NZQA accreditation requirements are met in full.
Evidence of work and progress will be cumulative based on the build up of student evidence and work.

3. What does an effective 100-minute lesson look like?

100 minute lesson planner

Split Screen Support

Things to consider

1. Share learning intentions with students.
2. Connect learning to real life situations.
3. Include performativity where students use their knowledge or/and reflect on how they might use it.
4. Monitor progress through feedback and feed forward.
5. Focus on developing a key competency.
6. Explore alternative solutions, strategies, values or/and points of view.
7. Provide choices for students (within enabling constraints)
8. Promote reflection on prior learning and experiences in order to set individual learning goals
9. Foster collaboration, discussion and questioning of ideas.
10. Promote systems level understanding.
11. Students to evaluate learning.

100 minute lesson planner

What will students learn in this lesson?
Understand how science knowledge contributes to solving a socio scientific issue through existing technological innovation.

What relevant interests, strengths and prior knowledge are you building on in this lesson?
Students will be able to evaluate the use of an alternative energy source to reduce ASHS energy consumption.

How will learning provide appropriate challenge for all students?
Through participating and contributing to collaborative group work.

How will we know that learning has taken place?
Students will present their evaluations of an alternative energy sources potential to reduce ASHS's power consumption

Learning sequence

Using Split Screen (1-11)

Students provided with written explanation of learning activities and outcomes outlined.               Identify from a range an alternative energy sources suitable for ASHS    ( 1,5)
                                                          Discussion - of energy crisis and social impacts                Explain: Advantages/disadvantages of the selected source

Energy sources used in NZ                                                                                                      Evaluate: To what extent that source could contribute to ASHS's energy needs. Include references to the community as a whole    (2)
Sort energy sources into renewable and non renewable                                                             Present: Findings of the evaluation   (3)

In collaborative groupsResearch: ASHS's daily energy needs                                                      Comment only on successes/improvements  (4)

Other students peer assess    (6,7)

Sum up which includes a new relevant piece of information (plenary). This could be an example of a real solution to give students sense of relevance to their work so they can see that the 
learning is authentic/real life. (9,10,11)

How will we cater for difference?
Difference in student abilities will be addresses through a programme of formative assessment embedded into schemes of work.

Accurate identification of learning needs will enable individualised planning.
Through the split screen students will be taught to self identify areas for development
How will we identify and address students at risk of not achieving?

Courses in Product Design will consist of a series of hand in dates which allow ongoing assessment of student performance. Students at risk of not achieving will be identified and supported through this process.

Gifted and talented students?
Students who show attitudes and capabilities beyond expectation will be encouraged to refine and demonstrate behaviours recognised as gifted and talented.These attitudes and capabilities will be recognised through the formative assessment programme.

How will we know about our students prior knowledge?
Students prior knowledge will be identified through summative outcomes also through discussion with students, parents and previous teachers.

Key competencies

How will we develop each of the key competencies in the learning area? How will we promote the split screen? These are a means and an end.

Students will learn skills of critical analysis.
Students will learn to justify decisions in relation to context and issue.

Using language, symbols and texts:
Students will develop subject specific vocabulary and show evidence of appropriate use.
Students will learn to use flow charts and Gannt charts.

Managing self.
Students will plan and carry out individual research.
Students will organise work schedules and meet deadlines.

Relating to others
Students will negotiate with clients and stakeholders.
Students will identify opportunities for design in local and global communities.

Participating and contributing.
Students will develop a responsible approach to the design and development of products which benefit others.

Curriculum design

What do we want our students to learn and/or develop? 

Course design in Product Design relates directly to the requirements of the National Curriculum for Technology which involves teaching the three strands as described below. Acorss the departmental programmes of study in all specialist areas it is important that all of these areas are addressed either in either linear or interconnected fashion in order to develop a balanced view of the design process for our students.

Achievement objectives :
are described for the eight components defined under the three technology curriculum strands.
Achievement objectives describe what students should understand or be able to do at curriculum levels 6, 7, and 8 which broadly matches L1/2 and 3 plus the extended learning needed for scholarship.

Learning objectives :
are defined for the 29 specialist knowledge and skill components. Learning objectives describe what students should understand or be able to do, with respect to specialist knowledge and skills.
Curriculum strands :
The New Zealand Curriculum specifies three strands for technology.
Technological practice (3 components)
Technological practice refers to the iterative practices involved in: establishing needs or opportunities; exploring and defining potential outcomes; and modelling, evaluating and testing these to ensure resulting outcomes are fit for purpose.
The three components of technological practice are:
a. Brief development
b. Planning for practice
c. Outcome development and evaluation

Technological knowledge (3 components)
Technological knowledge refers to the knowledge that is key to all technological endeavours – that is, conceptual understandings related to technological modelling, products, and systems.
Students develop an understanding of how and why things work. They understand that functional modelling is used to test and evaluate design ideas, concepts, and prototypes to determine their fitness for purpose in situ.
The three components of technological knowledge are:
a. Technological modelling
b. Technological products
c. Technological systems

Nature of technology (2 components)
Nature of technology refers to the philosophical underpinnings of technology as intervention by design. Students learn to critique the impact of technology on society and the influences of society on technology while exploring current and historical issues in technology.
The two components of nature of technology are:
a. Characteristics of technology
b. Characteristics of technological outcomes

Specialist strands :
In addition to the curriculum strands, there are six specialist strands with 29 components.
Design in technology
Construction and mechanical technologies
Design and visual communication
Digital technologies
Processing technologies 

Skills development within the above specialisms (based on student choice and teacher negotiation) are integral to course design in allowing students to realise a range of outcomes many of which will become products or prototypes. It is important within Product Design that students see themselves as contributers within a social context where they relate ideas to social needs and they recognise the work of successful designers and become aware of the reasons for success in the design of products.

<<Matrix of AOs and indicators from the curriculum and the standards that will support their development

  • Course design template
  • Exemplar of a course

Quality assurance

How will we ensure that standards are transparent, clear, reliable, valid and fair?

A fair assessment is one that avoids influences unrelated to the matters being assessed; emphasis is placed on avoiding effects arising from differences related, for example, to race, gender and assessment method.

A valid assessment activity is one where the test is matched as closely as possible to the objectives of the teaching it is assessing

Sufficiency refers to evidence of assessment. Sufficient evidence will establish with confidence that all criteria have been met and that performance to the required standard could be repeated with consistency.

For a test to be reliable it must produce the same results consistently on different occasions.

A year planner with submission dates for student work will be provided. Work assessed for Achievement Standards will be required to be handed in for assessment on the due date with cover sheet.

Product Design

Assessment Policy


Assessment evidence for Product Design will be stored in two areas. Older exemplars and external moderation materials will be kept in the staffroom Lundia. Current work will be kept in folders stored in the room at the back of the Food Technology classroom. This will include all course information* linked to the standards plus external moderation and copies of responses and any appeals plus internal moderation cover sheets. Evidence of assessed student work that has come from these standards plus the original markers cover sheet. There will also be a copy of this sheet with the Principals nominee.

    • Course Information will include:

Topics/Units to be covered. Copy of the standard, assessment task, and schedule, completed internal moderation cover sheets, benchmarks, NZQA assessment resources, relating to the standard, response to external moderation form, student sign off grades and any other relevant information related to the standard.

Assessment plans for the year including: Assessment titles, NQF registered number, version, credit value (internal/external), domain, due date further assessment opportunities.


Assessment materials and student work must be clearly labelled, and retrievable.

Curriculum areas should store all completed assessments until marked verification is completed.

Once the period for mark verification of an assessment has passed, the randomly selected samples of student work must be retained for 2 years or until fresh samples are available to replace them.

To ensure that it is available for NZQA external moderation. Up to four other examples of student work may be selected for submission for additional feedback.

Storage may not be practical for some assessments. In these cases photographic or videoed evidence may be required. The video or photograph may need to indicate scale.

Annotated samples of assessed student work should be kept as benchmarks to assist with maintaining consistency from one year to the next. Students' permission should be gained for their work to be used in this way.

Student signatures on student record sheets or coversheets showing acceptance of the final assessment grade should be filed with the assesment task.

Internal Moderation Procedures

  • Internal moderation folders will contain evidence for each assessment activity showing that assessment and schedule judgements have been moderated against the current registered standard using the assessment task internal critique report for guidance and the internal moderation cover sheet for evidence that this is being carried out. Departments will only use tasks which have been critiqued and moderated prior to assessment.

Tasks generated by the Ministry of Education or outside providers should be modified to suit teaching programmes and student needs . Some have not been quality assured by NZQA and must therefore be moderated before use.

Grade Sign Off

On the completion of a course of work teachers will collect the work providing a sign off sheet which both teacher and student sign and date to say that the work has been collected.

The teacher will then mark the work using the assessment proforma generated for the task. The work is then moderated with a colleague to check grades for accuracy and for purposes of critical analysis. The teacher will then generate a report which clearly states the level descriptors and will annotate the report in a way which explains why grades have been given. Following the internal moderation procedures the student will be given the report.

The student will be able to accept the grade by completing the grade sign off sheet provided.

Marking and returning of student work will becarried out in a timely manner.


Exemplars may take the form of student work from the NZQA website, student work carried out in school and marked by NZQA, TKI examples, examples on the Team Solutions website.

Final Grades

Student work is collected for assessment on the given date provided for students. The work is assessed following departmental policy in a timely manner, this includes departmental moderation procedures being followed. Marks with annotated reports are provided for students. A further assessment opportunity may be offered in negotiations between teacher and student.


A resubmission should only be offered when students have made mistakes which they should be capable of discovering and correcting on their own. Where this is not possible, a further assessment opportunity may be more appropriate.
A resubmission should be limited to specific aspects of the assessment and no more than one resubmission should be provided per assessment opportunity.
A resubmission must take place before the teacher gives any feedback to the class on the work done. If more teaching has occurred after the first assessment opportunity, resubmission is not possible.
A resubmission must not compromise the assessment and must be completed under the same conditions as the original assessment.
Evidence of achievement in resubmissions must be recorded and attached to the original assessment.

Authenticity of work

Students must be instructed that material such as photographs, diagrams, and screen shots which have been reproduced from course materials need to be referred to as ‘Supplied’ at the point of use.
Where sources are quoted in the submission, candidates need to be made aware that:
any text reproduced from a source, which is larger than a complete sentence, should be quoted and referenced at the point that it is used.
text which is less than a complete sentence may be compiled from several sources into paragraphs as long as the material is acknowledged in an end reference.
Where the instructing teacher believes that all authenticity requirements have been met, they will be able to sign the Authenticity Declaration without further checking.  The Authenticity Declaration for Level 1 and Level 2 Technology can be found on the Technology folder cover. For Level 3 and Scholarship Technology teachers need to complete the Technology Authenticity Declaration form.
Practical work where possible must be completed in the school workshop. Work that is completed at home must be able to be verified as authentic through photographic evidence. In an instance where work completed at home is at an unusually high standard for the ability of the student he/she runs the risk of not having the entry accepted for assessment unless clear proof that the work is genuinely the students can be provided.

Appeals Procedure

The teacher allows students to check that they agree with the results given. If students think that work has been incorrectly assessed they can ask the teacher to reconsider.

The teacher should explain the result and make any necessary alterations. If the assessing as done by another teacher in the department the teacher must be consulted.

If the student is unhappy with the teachers explanation they may ask to see the subject specialist leader for a decision using an appeals form. This must be done within three working days of the work being handed back.

If the student disagrees with the specialist subject leaders decision they may ask the principals nominee to consider the case . The principals nominee may consult with the subject advisor, the spoecialist subject leader, tutor, councillor and/or family.
The principals nominee should be kept informed about all appeals whether or not he or shee has been part of the process.

Moderation records to PN

Coversheets for internal standards delivered in 2013

For completed standards the internal moderation of marks cover sheet must be completed with the photocopied original given to principles nominee. The original cover sheet will be with the student work in the Food storage area.

Department expectation of moderation


Correct standard, version.
Task appropriate for ability level, course requirements
Task instructions are clear and assessment of student work documented and transparent for both students and staff.
Task must allow for achievement at all levels from achieved to excellence. The way this happens should be explicit through supporting documentation ie TKI supporting materials, standard.

External Marks reconsideration of grades
NCEA reconsiderations cost $20.40 for each standard. The fee for Graphics, Design and Visual Communication (DVC) and Technology portfolios is $20.40 for each external achievement standard, not each portfolio.
Scholarship reconsiderations cost $30.70 per subject.
Where the reconsideration leads to a change of final grade the fee is refunded.
To apply for a reconsideration:
1. Download and print the personalised 'Request Reconsideration' application form from your learner log in (Please note that the application form will not be available until after papers have been returned to candidates.)
2. Read the instructions on the form and complete the relevant sections. You (the candidate) must sign the form.
3. You must include payment and all booklets, portfolios or folders for which you are requesting a reconsideration. Where the application is for Graphics, Design and Visual Communication (DVC), Level 3/Scholarship Technology, Scholarship the original assessment schedule must be included
4. For NCEA reconsiderations you must send application and payment to NZQA asap. If it is not received by NZQA by the given date the application will not be processed.

Self review

What data will we collect and how will we use it?

Through a programme of appraisal which will include:
Lesson observations by colleagues.
Setting of targets for improvement or targets for new learning at the end of each year.
Feedback from students regarding quality of teaching through questionnaire.
Ongoing course support and appraisal using external agencies such as Team Solutions.
Internal moderation programme.
Comparison with similar school NCEA results.
Exemplars of student work photocopied for future reference also photographic evidence, video evidence.
Records of marking and formative/summative assessment details.