Agricultural Education
The Government of Ghana recognizes the importance and role of agriculture in the econ-omy of Ghana hence the inclusion of agriculture as a subject in the formal education sys-tem. The Ghana educational system provides for a nine-year Compulsory Universal Edu-cation (6 years of primary education and 3 years of junior secondary school level), fol-lowed by a middle-level of 3 year senior secondary/ technical/commercial and vocational education. The tertiary level consists of all diploma and degree-awarding institutions.
Formal Agricultural education in Ghana starts at the Junior Secondary level as a compul-sory subject. However, it becomes an optional subject at the Senior Secondary level. The universities and the diploma-awarding colleges are the tertiary institutions responsible for preparing agricultural professionals and mid-career agriculturists. They include:
- The University of Ghana (UG), Legon, Accra which offers a two-year agricultural diploma program, a bachelor degree and a post-graduate degree program (M Sc, M Phil, Ph D) in agriculture.
- The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi offers a bachelor degree and a post-graduate degree program (M Sc, M Phil, Ph D) in agriculture.
• The University of Cape Coast (UCC) in Cape Coast offers a bachelor degree, a Bachelor of Education degree and a post-graduate degree (M Sc, M Phil, Ph D) in agriculture. • The University of Development Studies (UDS) in Tamale offers a bachelor degree and a masters degree in agriculture. • The University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Mampong Campus offers a Bache-lor of Education degree in agriculture and a post-graduate degree (M Sc, M Phil) in agriculture. • Some private universities (e.g. Catholic and Methodist Universities) also offer agri¬culture at the Bachelor’s level.
The Kwadaso Agricultural College is the only diploma-awarding agricultural institution outside the University system and is under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA). It aims at equipping extension agents with the requisite knowledge in modern agricultural techniques and skills.