Adventure Tourism/Activities/Interpretation

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Image courtesy of A M Kuchling


US 18311, Version 1, Level 5, Credit 8

Element 1 - Set the objective for an interpretation plan

PC 2.2 - Learning styles of the audience are identified

Element 3 - Framework and content for the interpretation are provided

Element 4 - Choose the correct form of delivery for your audience - spoken word

PC 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 - Actions to and implementation of the interpretation plan

US 12408, Version 4, Level 4, Credit 14

PC 1.1 - Interpretive skills and techniques are applied

PC 1.2 - Visitors are informed about features of natural environment

PC 1.6 - Environmental care codes of practice are explained and incorporated in the interpretation (Supporting Material)


You work for a tour company "On line Tours" which has just begun running a guided overnight adventure tour in the Queenstown area.

As part of your company's sustainable goals and objectives, the tour and interpretation plan must meet the following objectives:

  • provide an educational and stimulating experience
  • work with and support the local community
  • raise awareness

Task 1

  • Plan your interpretation (using the interpretation plan form in Supporting Materials). Your plan must show how you will include the three company objectives listed above (US 18311 PC 1.1) and how you will ensure the objectives are measureable, specified and achievable (PC 5.6)

  • Now start developing your interpretation (presentation form in Supporting Materials as guide) your interpretation will include:
    • your theme and other aspects such as history, traditions, flora and fauna (US 12408 PC 1.2)
    • formal and informal codes of practice relating to conservaiton of the natural environment and fire safety (US 12408, PC 1.6)

  • How is the core content of the interpretation meaningful and relevant to your audience (PC 3.1)

  • How will you include your organisations sustainable goals and objectives into your interpretation (US 18311 PC 1.2)

  • Do the interpretive techniques you have chosen (spoken word and interactive) match the characteristics of your guests and is it consistent with the themes and messages of your interpretation? (PC 4.1, 4.2, 4.4)

  • Why do you think the interpretation techniques chosen will maximise the potential for changing your anticapated audience's future behaviour? (PC 4.5)

  • Identify some strong messages you have made which support your main interpretation theme and describe how they reflect the characteristics of the anticipated audience.(PC 3.2, 3.6)
  • In a statement please describe the theme of your interpretation (PC 3.3)

  • Describe why you think the interpretation technique/s you have chosen will ensure some response or reaction from your guests. (PC 4.3)

  • Identify any possible issues and (expand on two) their likely solutions: legal, ethical and cultural, financial, copyright and environmental, associated with the area (PC 3.5)
  • You are to provide a list of all texts and internet sites used to source information and also show evidence of cross reference to ensure your information is current and accurate (PC 3.7, 3.4)

  • Take into consideration your target audience's learning styles and all other information gathered from (Activity: Audience Profile and Learning Styles)and design your interpretation to match these (PC 2.2)

  • Ensure your interpretation plan defines and identifies the responsibilities of those involved in the development and delivery of the interpretation (PC 5.2)

Task 2

Now you have created the interpretation you will be delivering to your target group; make a list of the resources (research, information, interview), where you got the information from, can you verify its authenticity? Have you have ensured that it is current and the time (it has taken) and costs (you may have incurred), this will also include the cost of any time, in creating the plan and implementing it (PC 3.4 and 5.1)

Task 3

Complete the interpretation questionnaire (Supporting Material) which will be used to survey your groups experience once you have completed the tour (PC 5.3)

Task 4

Here are two variations to the interpretation plan - please provide alternatives

1. You have just developed your plan. Circumstances beyond your control now mean that you can only go half way up your guided walk because of bad weather. Describe how you might adapt this activity (PC.4.6)

2. You have just developed your plan for your target group however when you meet up with them you realise that four of the children are pre schoolers. The guided walk is not really an option now. What would you do? Suggest an alternative (PC 4.6)

Supporting Resources