Adult User Education
Course Description
This class will cover information literacy education for the adult user in the academic and public library settings. Information from the latest research and teaching ideas will be utilized, and projects and assignments will be geared toward program planning for adult instruction.
Additional Information
This semester we will be working together to learn about how to create instruction for the adult user, and we will be experimenting with ways to plan for implementing these programs in a library setting. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you as well as learning from each of you, since I know that you will bring experience and insight into our discussions and activities. I would describe my teaching style as constructivist with connectivist aspects. Constructivism is a learning theory that has been around for some time and it’s basic premise is that learner’s “construct” knowledge through experiences and interaction with a community of learners. Connectivism is a somewhat newer learning theory that has followed the emergence of the Internet as a prominent feature of our lives. George Siemens is considered to be the foremost explorer of this concept and it’s basic theory is that we learn through feeding information into networks as well as getting new information from networks in a cyclical fashion. The main needs for the learner in this theory are being connected to a network and being able to filter information in a manner that makes it valuable. Both of these theories are very learner-centered, and you will see that much of this course is structured around what you the learners can bring to the table. So, this semester I hope that we will be doing a lot of “networking” and sharing of information, ideas, insights, experiences, and creating new knowledge as a learning community.
Class Requirements
Cox, Christopher N. and Elizabeth Blakesley Lindsay, eds. Information Literacy Instruction Handbook. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2008.
Additional Readings
There are additional readings in each module. Some of the readings are accessible via URL links, but others are academic journal articles, and/or chapters from books, and require the use of a library for access.
Blog and Discussion
This course utilized both a discussion board and personal blog for completing the Discussions and Activities. The use of free blog tools, such as Blogger or Wordpress could easily be used as a substitute. The instructor might set up a blog for group discussion, and then have each student create their own individual blog for the personal journal activities. The instructor could then supply links to these personal journals on the main blog, if so desired.
Technology Requirements
- Computer: PC or Mac
- Internet access
- Microsoft Word, or a Word compatible program
- Adobe Acrobat Reader (available here:
Students will understand and apply the basic theoretical background of user education by:
Module 1 - History of User Education, Information Literacy Defined, and an Introduction to the Adult User
Module 2 - Adult Education: Teaching and Learning
Module 3 - Working with Others and within Guidelines
Module 4 - Program Design, Management, and Leadership
Module 5 - Diversity and Instructional Technologies
Module 6 - The Future of Information Literacy