e-Learning activity - Regional relations in the Pacific

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Regional relations in the Pacific
Summary: Exploring the elements of regional relationships in Asia
6 - 7 hours to complete both your research and the summary of your findings.
Activity 1.3
Linked to Assignment 3

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Stimulus resource

Visit the following links

  • Stimulus 1: (Comment.gif: Link provided in original materials not working)
  • Stimulus 2: Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)

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To identify and become more familiar with regional relations in the Pacific. You can focus on a number of factors including economic, political, defense or ideological factors – just to name a few.


  1. Begin researching information on regional relations in Asia. Then narrow your search to focus on areas of interest to you. These could be factors such as social, cultural or political relations, defense interests/conflicts, or ideological relations among states in Asia.
  2. Write a summary of your findings (350-400 words) with full citation details of your sources.
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Learning outcome actions
  1. Using the 'E-learning activity and Personal Reflection ePortfolio', upload your findings described in Steps 1) and 2) above. This should be completed no later than the close (Friday) of Week 14.
  2. Please enter any useful online sources you accessed during this e-learning activity into the Regional Relations Source Repository located on the Study Desk.
  3. The e-moderator will add an overview of the comments after the closing date for submissions.