273 - Geography
Section I: Map Work and Photographic Interpretation
Section II: East Africa
a) The major land forms: their modes of formation, the agencies responsible for their formation, modifying factors, types of rocks, earth movements; folding and faulting plateaus, vulcanacity, weathering and formation of soils; processes and results of coastal erosion and deposition (including coral); lakes; mountain glaciations.
b) The elements of weather. The characteristics of climate; effect of climate on human activities.
Links: Introduction to Climate
Lessons: Differences between climate and weather
c) The distribution of population in relation to resources and environment.
d) Agricultural development, characteristics of holdings, large-scale and parastatal farming, irrigation, water supply and control, pastoralism, soil erosion and conservation.
e) Mining, quarrying and industrial development.
f) Forest resources; importance and characteristics of vegetation.
g) Fishing
h) The development of towns and ports.
i) The development of tourism, conservation of wildlife (flora and fauna).
j) Characteristics of internal and external trade and communications.
Section III: The Rest of Africa
a) Africa: its political units; relief and major landforms, the agencies modifying them and their influence on human activity.
b) Characteristics of and factors affecting climate and vegetation.
c) Population: distribution, characteristics, and problems.
d) Agriculture:
i) the change from subsistence to a market economy, e.g. cocoa farming in Ghana; palm oil in Nigeria
ii) Large-scale agriculture, e.g. rubber in Liberia, sugar in Natal
iii) Large-scale irrigation, e.g. the Geriza scheme; the Richard Toll scheme on the Senegal River
iv) Pastoralism, e.g. cattle in Northern Nigeria, sheep-rearing in South Africa
e) Multi-purpose schemes and river development: e.g. Kariba, Volta, and Aswan.
f) Use and development of forest resources, e.g. Swaziland; Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire); Algeria
g) Mining industry e.g. Copper Belt of Zambia: Petroleum in Algeria
h) Industrial development in lower Egypt, the Accra-Tema Complex.
i) Transport and communications: Development, Problems, and prospects in Zambia, Zaire, etc.
j) Urbanisation e.g. Cape Town; Ibadan; Addis Ababa
k) Development of trade: Characteristics and problems; one crop in Gambia. Problems of marketing cocoa in Ghana.