2.3 sign and symptoms stress
From WikiEducator
Cognitive Symptoms
* Memory problems * Inability to concentrate * Poor judgment * Seeing only the negative * Anxious or racing thoughts * Constant worrying
Emotional Symptoms
* Moodiness * Irritability or short temper * Agitation, inability to relax * Feeling overwhelmed * Sense of loneliness and isolation * Depression or general unhappiness
Physical Symptoms
* Aches and pains * Diarrhea or constipation * Nausea, dizziness * Chest pain, rapid heartbeat * Loss of sex drive * Frequent colds
Behavioral Symptoms
* Eating more or less * Sleeping too much or too little * Isolating yourself from others * Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities * Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax * Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)