Slides on the WiZiQ session

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Hey, Ben! It's really great that you are taking the initiative and running the online wiziq sessions for us. I want to share something I tried in the new wiziq format to correct the slide size for the display (you may have noticed that it's hard to see all the screen contents given the size of each slide). What I did to correct things was to save the format of my Powerpoint presentation slide in 450 X 600, rather than the usual 600 X 800 pixel display that presentations are usually configured in (okay, I really did this resizing in Keynote on my Mac, but I think there is probably a way to do in on a PC using Powerpoint). Once I saved the presentation using a slide size of 450 by 600 the slides displayed onscreen without haveing to slide around. (In actuality, the display probably could be widescreen at about 450 X 700--the key factor seems to be that the new wiziq format expects no more than 450 vertical pixels onscreen--but not everyone has a widescreen monitor. Hope this helps for future sessions. --Jrradney 04:32, 29 July 2010 (UTC)

Jrradney (talk)17:32, 29 July 2010

Thanks Radney for the tip. I will see if I can figure out how to do this on a PC before Sunday's discussion. Thanks for your participation as well. In fact, if you want to moderate/lead discussions this Sunday, by all means go for it. I really have nothing earth-shattering planned. Let me know. By the way, it's been a great workshop! --Benjamin Stewart 04:05, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

Bnleez (talk)17:05, 30 July 2010