Design blueprint
Metadata summary
- Level: Introductory level (first year equivalent)
- Discipline: International Relations
- Notional learning hours: 165 hours
- Credits Equivalent to one course/unit
- Local credential at your institution: Course credit in Diploma of Arts or Bachelor of General Studies
Intended target audience
This course is an entry level course, meaning no prior knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region is required. The intending target audience for this course are:
- people interested in learning more about the Asia- Pacific region and its history,
- those who are interested in international relations and politics, including economic relations,
- students wanting to learn more about the peoples, cultures and religions in the Asia-Pacific region.
Delivery model
In AST1000, we use the ‘pedagogy of discovery’ (including self-discovery) to engender a free-range learning pedagogy. This pedagogy incorporates self-directed content gathering and analysis rather than content that is pre-selected by the examiner. This approach is deliberate in order to allow you to seek out information and areas of study of personal and direct interest or relevance to your own interests or career path. The objectives for each Module, which are linked to and feed directly into the overall course objectives, will guide you as to what types of content you should be exploring each week. You will be required to locate appropriate educational sources online and then read them to derive course content relevant to that particular week’s learning objectives. Therefore, the pedagogy of the course involves active bottom-up learning within an explicit top-down learning framework/scaffolding. Ultimately however, you will be the one who decides which Open Educational Resources you will focus on in order to meet the objectives set for any given Module. Students are required to have access to a personal computer, e-mail capabilities and Internet access.
Assessment model
Students will be required to submit three assessment items in AST1000. The first assignment is weighted at 20% of the total mark and is a summative peice of assessment 1250 words in length. The second assignment is also a summative piece of assessment and is weighted 30% of the total mark. The length of this assignment is 1500 words. The final assignment is a combination of summative assessment (based on e-learning activity outcomes) and a reflective journal based on the course objectives and the approach of the course. This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks. To successfully complete an individual assessment item, a student must achieve at least 50% of the marks or a grade of at least C-. To be assured of receiving a passing grade, a student must achieve at least 50% of the total weighted marks available for the course.
Interaction strategies
Provide a brief summary describing:
Student-content interactions
- A series of short video signposts are used to provide students with an orientation to each of the major topics
- Students will use e-Learning activities to locate, read and analyse OER relevant to the learning objectives for that particular module.
- These e-Learning activities will provide the substantive course content for AST1000.
- Student engagement with course content will be enhanced throughout this process as students will be able to select content relevant to their interest areas within the learning objectives for each module.
Student-student interactions
- Students will be able to interact via the Regional Relations Repository, a tool which will enable them to share links and sources of information.
- Student-to-student interaction will also be facilitated via nominated discussion forums based on e-Learning activities.
- A blog function will also be provided so students can blog about their learning experiences as they progress through the course.
Student-support interactions
- Students will be encouraged to use a peer support for addressing questions. This means other students will be given the first opportunity to respond to course-related questions on the question forum, with academic volunteers only stepping in when needed.
- Academic volunteers will be available to support students should they experience difficulties in the course via a question forum.
Learning outcomes / Graduate profile
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Delineate the main geographical factors influencing human activities in the Asia Pacific regions, including Australia and New Zealand, and the main points of comparison and contrast between these regions;
- Outline the growth and dimensions of transnational involvement in Asia and the Pacific;
- Explain the factors working towards the growing inter-dependence of states in Asia and the Pacific;
- Explain and apply various personal and social skills expected in other regional cultures;
- Outline other cultural traditions and regional current affairs;
- Apply analytical and problem solving skills by researching and writing assignments and reflective journal;
- Apply ethical research and inquiry skills by comprehending and applying referencing norms and practices;
- Demonstrate cultural literacy skills by describing, analysing and applying international perspectives using course-specific analytical frameworks.
Elements of the following USQ Graduate Skills are associated with the successful completion of this course.
- Ethical Research & Enquiry, (Skill U1), Introductory (Level 1 )
- Problem Solving (Skill U2), Introductory (Level 1 )
- Academic, professional and digital literacy, (Skill U3) Introductory (Level 1 )
- Written & Oral Communication, (Skill U4), Introductory (Level 1 )
- Cultural Literacy, (Skill U7), Introductory (Level 1 )
- Management, Planning & Org Skills, (Skill U8), Introductory (Level 1 )