Developing support resource for Q&A forum

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*Develop a general learner support resource for using

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The OERu community can assist by:
  • Providing comments and suggestions for improvement on the corresponding talk pages for the Q&A Tutorial
  • Be bold and make minor editorial changes directly in the wiki.

Development progress

Q&A Forum Tutorial Homepage

Phase Status
Initial draft Completed
Review comments and editorial refinements Completed
Final edit Completed
Trial tutorial during OCL4Ed Completed

Design specifications

  • Audience -- Assume very basic browsing experience and beginner level in using social software
  • Keep the resource generic for reuse across all OERu courses
  • Develop a Q&A Forum pedagogical template which can be included on OERu course pages which:
    • Embeds links to the relevant Q&A forum tutorial pages
    • Provides variables for Course code and optional instructions.

Design features

First draft of the Q&A Forum Tutorial now completed.

  • Template:Ask_OERu has been developed for incorporation in OERu course pages.
  • The template contains in-text links to the support tutorials in the footnotes.

The example below illustrates the inclusion of the template on the FAQ page for the OCL4Ed course:

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Ask OERu

Ask OERu is a 24/7 self-help community support desk.

  1. Looking for an answer? Consult the current list of questions for this course.
  2. Did not find what you where looking for? Ask your question
  3. Find a good question or answer? Please vote so we can improve our community support.
  4. Need more information on using Ask OERu? Consult the Q & A support tutorial or visit the links below.

Ask OERu is a community-based support forum hosted on Remember to reward good answers and questions by liking the post.
Please add the course tag to your post: ocl4ed

To do list

  • Add previous / next arrows on all pages
  • Check that all pages use the CC-BY license and insert Category:CC-BY where necessary.