IND/Stolen Generations Further Reading and References

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Birch, T. (2002). 'History is never bloodless': Getting it wrong after one hundred years of Federation. Australian Historical Studies, no. 118, 42-53.

Commonwealth of Australia. (1937). Aboriginal Welfare: Initial Conference of Commonwealth and State Aboriginal Authorities. Canberra: L. F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer. Retrieved from

Commonwealth of Australia. (1997).  Bringing them Home: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families.

Ellinghaus, K. (2009). Biological Absorption and Genocide: A Comparison of Indigenous Assimilation Policies in the United States and Australia. Genocide Studies and Prevention, 4(1), 60-79.

Grimshaw, P. (2004). The Fabrication of a Benign Colonisation: Keith Windschuttle on History. Australian Historical Studies, no 123, 122-29.

Haebich, A., & Delroy, A. (1999). The Stolen Generations: Separation of Aboriginal children from their families. Perth: Western Australian Museum.

Haskins, V. (2004). A Better Chance'? Sexual Abuse and the Apprenticeship of Aboriginal Girls Under the NSW Aborigines Protection Board. Aboriginal History, 28, pp. 33-58.

Manne, R. (2001). In denial: The stolen generation and the Right. Melbourne: Black Inc.

Manne, R. (2003). (Ed.) Whitewash: On Keith Windschuttle's Fabrication of Aboriginal History. Melbourne: Black Inc.

McGregor, R. (2002). “Breed Out the Colour” or the Importance of Being White. Australian Historical Studies, 33(120), 286-302.

Read, P. (1982). The Stolen Generations: The removal of Aboriginal children in New South Wales 1883 to 1969. Sydney: Government Printer.

Read, P. (1999). A rape of the soul so profound: The return of the Stolen Generations. St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin.

Reynolds, H. (1990). With the White People. Ringwood: Penguin Books.

Walden, I. (1995). 'That was slavery days': Aboriginal domestic servants in New South Wales in the twentieth century. Labour History, no. 69, 196-209.