Dimensions of openness in education/Introduction to open education/FAQs

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Invitation to help develop the FAQ page

As an open education initiative, the OERu works with learners and the community to develop and improve our course materials collaboratively. We use the pilot offering of OERu courses as an authentic opportunity to develop the frequently asked questions page (FAQs) for future iterations of the course.

Please help us in developing the FAQ page by posting any questions (and prospective answers) you recommend for inclusion based on your experience of the wiki skills learning pathway. Login to WikiEducator and post your questions on the source page in the wiki. Yes, this site was developed using a wiki and you can help to improve the course site for future iterations.

Wouldn't it be easier to use a standard forum for participant introductions?

Yes it would be easier for many participants to post introductions on a course forum. However, this would not scale well for courses with hundreds of participants. It's far easier to link to an existing profile on the web and we want to encourage new users to populate their userpages in the wiki. More importantly, this course focuses on developing digital skills and we know from data we have collected that few educators working in the formal sector are familiar with blog technology and how aggregated course feeds work. Using your course blog to introduce yourself to fellow participants is a useful way for newbies to familiarise themselves with the technologies we are using on this course before progressing with more substantive tasks.

Could my question appear here?

Yes, your question and our community developed response could appear here. Don't be missed by your absence.