Destination New Zealand: Assignment 3
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US 18212, Element 1, PC 1.2-1.3
Identifying travel time between destinations and transport centres
Task 1
Identify the correct travel times via a commercial flight between these main destination points - please use the website listed in Supporting Resources.
- Auckland to Wellington
- Auckland to Christchurch
- Auckland to Dunedin
- Wellington to Christchurch
- Christchurch to Dunedin
- Wellington to Nelson
Where possible use direct flights and if there has to be a stopover point - please identify it
Task 2
Choose ten of the tourist destinations you identified in Assignment 1 (excluding the main centres). Put into pairs eg. Nelson to Hanmer Springs and identify the travel time by road between each tourist destination. Identify the nearest main transport centre to the point of departure eg. (Nelson to Hanmer Springs / Picton Ferry terminal)