From WikiEducator
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- Country of Residence: Germany
- First name: Marian
- Last name: Heddesheimer
- Gender: m
- Organization: self employed
- Title/Position:
- Email address:
- Topic of Interest: web development, web 2.0, Gimp, Blender, 3D-Stuff, Second Life
- Title of presentation:
- Brief description of presentation:
- URL of Pdf file or page on Wikieducator:
Remember, you can always change the title or topic of interest or add the URL of the page on Wikieducator.
- Country of Residence: United States
- First name: Conrad
- Last name: Law
- Gender: Male
- Organization: Knowledge Learning Solutions
- Title/Position: Management Consultant
- Email address:
- Topic of Interest: Personal Development
- Title of presentation: Success Is Achieving Your Dreams
- Brief description of presentation: Coming soon ...
- URL of Pdf file or page on Wikieducator: Coming soon ....
Remember, you can always change the title or topic of interest or add the URL of the page on Wikieducator.
- Country of Residence: Testing
- First name:
- Last name:
- Gender:
- Organization:
- Title/Position:
- Email address:
- Topic of Interest:
- Title of presentation:
- Brief description of presentation:
- URL of Pdf file or page on Wikieducator: