Writing for academic purposes/ENGA102/Supporting your arguments/reading

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Rogerian Argumentation

The methods of support that we just looked at are more generic. In this reading you will drill down into Rogerian argumentation. This method relies on conceding points and presenting both sides of an argument in order to put the reader in a frame of mind where they are more willing to accept new ideas.

While reading the article, consider the following questions:

  1. What is Rogerian argumentation and what does it aims to do?
  2. How can I use Rogerian argumentation in my essay?
  3. Where can I use Rogerian argumentation in my essay?

Read Rogerian Argument from Writing Commons by Joe Moxley, to learn more Rogerian Argumentation.

You can also take a look at the following video on Youtube, prepared for a first year composition class at the University of South Florida which gives you some examples of the technique in action

Share you thoughts on Rogerian argumentation with your classmates using the WEnotes comment option below. Do you think it is an effective rhetorical tool? Will you use it in your essay? Remember that getting feedback from your classmates can be very helpful as it might lead you to see your topic from a different perspective.