Making moocs on a budget/ Course outline/Slides and webinars

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Presentations 2015

Click on the links below to access slides and webinars presented by the moocs4all team in 2015

Date Event Details
1 May 2015 DCU MOOC Symposium,[1] "Low-cost MOOC Development" Slides[2]
28-29 May 2015 EdTech2015 conference, University of Limerick[3], "A low-cost MOOC production workflow for distributed teams" (abstract[4], slides[5])
31 May 2015 Higher Education in Transformation Symposium, Dublin[6] "Making Free Online Learning Sustainable Through Reduction of MOOC Production Costs"paper[[7], slides[8]]
9-10 June 2015 EDEN2015 Annual Conference, Barcelona 90 minute workshop - "Toward Low-cost MOOC Production" Abstract/Description[9],Recording[10]
19-12 Oct 2015 EADTU Conference, Hagen. “Empowering lecturers - how to produce Low-Cost-MOOCs” Paper[11]
24 October 2015 Keynote -Western Balkans and Serbian Moodlemoot[12] "Low-cost production of MOOCs. Why and How?" , 24th October, 2015(Slideshare[13], Recording[14])

Presentations 2016

Click on the links below to access slides and webinars presented by the moocs4all team in 2016

Date Event Details
22-24 Feb 2016 eMOOCs2016 Conference Graz[15] Panel Session 3: “European support services for developing MOOCs”[16]
9 March 2016 Open Education Week 2016[17] Webinar“Anyone can build a MOOC” Description[18]Recording[19]
9 Mar 2016 Media and Learning Conference 2016, Brussels, Preconference Workshop on the Use of Video in Higher Education[20] Invited talk “Videos, quizzes, and flipped teaching: lessons learned”. Slides[21]
10-11 Mar 2016 Media and Learning Conference 2016, Brussels Invited talk “LoCoMoTion: Techniques, Methods, and Infrastructure for the Low-Cost Production of MOOCs”Slides[22] Recording[23]
23 April 2016 ICT in Education Conference[24], April 2016, Limerick Institute of Technology, Thurles, Ireland Mulligan, B., Day, R., Hegarty, L., "Anyone can build a MOOC! But should they?" (Slides[25], Recording[26])
28-29 April 2016 Global Learn Conference 2016[27], Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Limerick, Ireland Mulligan, B., “Lowering MOOC Production Costs and the Significance for Developing Countries”, (Paper[28], Slides[29])
1-3 May 2016 48th Eucen Conference[30], Dublin City University, Ireland. Mulligan, B., "The Importance of Accreditation and Lowering MOOC Production Costs for Lifelong Learning in Developing Countries."(Slides[31])
8-11th September, 2016 2016 Triennial ESREA Conference[32], Maynooth Workshop, Mulligan, B., "Designing an Open Online Course using a Low-cost Approach", Workshop, (Abstract[33])
4-6 Oct 2016 EDEN 9th Research Workshop 2016[34], Oldenburg University, Germany Schoden, F., presentation of the LoCoMoTion project during the Synergy Session
12 -14 October France-Ireland Network for Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism (FICAHT) event, Biarritz Presentation, Hegarty, L., Slides[35]
13 October 2016 Invited keynote at Open Shared Experiences in Education and Research for Cultural and Experience-based Industries[36], UPF Barcelona. 90 minutes. M Duran and S Simon: "Magic and Science MOOC. Keys and clues for its low-cost production.
13 October 2016 Southern New Hampshire University Mulligan, B., “It doesn’t cost that much to create a MOOC. So why are more not doing it?” [37]
17 October 2016 University of Virginia, Open Grounds Mulligan, B., “It doesn’t cost that much to create a MOOC. So why are more not doing it?”
18 October 2016 Penn State COIL Conversation Mulligan, B., Ragan, L., “It Doesn’t Cost That Much: Effective Techniques for Low-Cost MOOC Production – A conversation with Brian Mulligan“[38]
10 November 2016 Invited Presentation to Roscommon Learning Network Meeting, Abbey Hotel, Roscommon. Mulligan, B., “Massive Open Online Courses: Why isn’t everyone building them?”. Recording[39]
9 December 2016 Presentation at 3rd Annual HELLIN Conference, Athlone Institute of Technology[40] Mulligan, B., “It’s easy to make a MOOC! So why are more not doing it?” (Paper[41], Slides, Recording)