Creating sustainable futures/CSF101/Holocene to Anthropocene/How the Earth works

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It was many billions of years after the Big Bang that the biosphere, and life on Earth, started to develop. Understanding how this process came about is essential to understanding how to maintain the delicate environmental balances that will enable life to prosper, sustainably, long into the future.

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Learning journal activity

This activity is required for students seeking formal credit. Other students may complete a learning journal but it will not be assessed.

  1. Watch the first 15 minutes of the video.
  2. Note down your thoughts to the following questions in your learning journal:
    • What were the pre-conditions for life evolving on Earth?
    • What’s the importance of how chemical elements are organised and located in the biosphere?
    • How is current human activity changing the organisation and location of chemicals?
    • How is current human activity changing the delicate balance of ecosystems that regulate chemical concentrations?