AST1000/Course guide/Regional economics/Assignment

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Word length: Your E-learning activity plus 1000 - 1200 words for Part 2.

Marks: 100

Submission: Attach your submission to an email with subject line RRAP103 Assessment Submission and addressed to

Reflective Journal

This assignment contains two (2) parts. It is important that you complete both parts of this assignment in order to fulfill all requirements of this assignment.

  • This assignment is linked to e-learning activities. Complete the e-learning activity for RRAP103 for Part One (1) of this assignment. (50% of the total mark for this assignment)
  • Part two (2) of the assignment requires a reflective journal entry on what you have learned on this course.

Papers should be typed using double-line spacing, as well as spellchecked. All assignments must use Harvard AGPS Referencing. The word length of Part Two of this assignment is 1000 - 1200 words.

Tip: Please refer to the marking rubric for details on how this assignment will be assessed before starting your work.

PART ONE (1) – 50% of the total mark for this assignment

Part One (1) of this assignment requires you to complete the RRAP103 e-learning activity responses to be evaluated.

Your response will be marked on how effectively and accurately your response completed the instructions and requirements of the e-learning activities. Please see the marking rubric for more information on how Part 1 of this assignment will be marked.

PART TWO (2) – 50% of the total mark for this assignment

Part Two (2) of this assignment requires you to write a reflective journal entry, detailing what you have learned about the Asia-Pacific region from this micro course. Your reflective journal entry should be 1000 – 1200 words in length. It should be written in paragraphs and should be structured around what you have learned in relation to the course objectives. In preparing your response you need to explore each of the following themes:

1. How has your knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region been enhanced by completing this micro course? (Provide examples of information acquired during the course.) What have you learned that has challenged preconceptions you had of the region? (Again, please provide examples here.) (700 - 900 words)

2. Central to the pedagogy of this course was an approach designed to inspire ‘discovery’ of content, engage students in their learning, and enhancement of students’ digital literacy skills. Did the ‘pedagogy of discovery’ fulfill these briefs? If so, provide examples. If not, why not? (300 – 400 words)