Warrington School/Board Of Trustees/Staff Goals 2012
From WikiEducator
2012 Goals
Brenda Morrison:
To focus on Maths teaching and aim that every child in the class will be a step up from where they were assessed in February 2012. (eg 3 up to 2 etc). To integrate subjects as much as possible within a main focus topic, and provide choices for individual learning interests and styles To include outdoor activities and the arts within daily programme
Nathan Parker
To set-up school systems so they are sustainable Increase knowledge and skills in mathematics and the Arts To manage and complete the playground development Learn about, introduce and use Democratic education practices in my classroom To continue and improve upon school/community projects- stream, paddock, playground, market and BBFM to benefit students and community
Janine Cotton
As this is my first year teaching full time for many years I have several goals relating to this. 1. To develop routines and scheduling of curriculum areas to ensure coverage. 2. To develop routines and scheduling of curriculum which allows for the learning needs of all children to be met. eg time for 1-1 instruction & support & extension. 3. Over recent years I have taught ‘strands’ in maths. My goal is to update my teaching of numeracy knowledge by reading, finding appropriate resources, reflecting on my teaching and monitoring childrens learning and progress. 4. I will use the management unit to seek information on ‘The arts’ for the benefit of other staff and children. Information being - resources, excursions, experts and experiences.
Wendy Russell - (Year 1-3)
With a large group of 5 year olds commencing in the junior room, my goals for the year are mainly based around them and focusi
Implement consistent routines and expectations within a safe and happy environment which meet individual needs. Encourage weekly numeracy and literacy homework routines. Integrate the key competencies within the daily programme with a focus for each term. Encourage sporting opportunities within the school as part of my management unit and school target.