User:Yanbu/Sample Lesson/Sample Lesson 1:Forming Questions

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To learn forming YES/NO questions used in English language.

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The students, at the end of the lesson, should be able to form and use YES/NO question forms used in English language.

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A question is a request for information or action. A question always ends with a question mark (?).A Yes/No Question is a question that can be answered with yes or no

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Key points

Forming yes/no Questions

Look at the following examples:

A: Are you from around here?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Do you come here often?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Can I buy you a drink?

B: No, thanks.

A: Are you married?

B: Yes, I am.

When we want to ask yes/no questions we can use

  • do/does,
  • am/is/are


  • have/has

as question words.

We use

  • do or have or am with personal pronouns ,

we use

  • does or has or is with third person singular pronouns (he, she, it) and with singular noun forms.

We use

  • do or have or are with other personal pronouns (you, we they) and with plural noun forms.

Yes/no questions with the verb be are created

  • by moving the verb be to the beginning of the sentence. In other words the subject and the verb change their positions in statements and questions.

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Convert the following sentences to questions.

  1. You are from Germany.
  2. He is your friend.
  3. You have got a cat.
  4. She has bought a new bike.
  5. You read books.
  6. He likes pop music.

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No meet at least three of your friends, ask them these questions to get information about them (your friends) or their friends, record their answers and bring them to the next scheduled class