My profile
Madame Memunatu Baby Pratt is the Head of Peace and Conflict Studies, Fourah Bay College. She has been a lecturer for over twenty years at the University of Sierra Leone. She is engaged in teaching, research, national and international public services. She was recently on a two year sabbatical leave as Legacy Officer of the United Nations-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) as an international staff where her key role was to ensure that programmes and activities developed by the Special Court continue as a lasting legacy for the people of Sierra Leone. She was also a lead trainer for the human resource capacity-building programmes of the Court. She has worked in the field of peacebuilding and gender for the past 15 years, as a trainer, consultant and activist at local and international levels.
She pioneered the establishment of the department of Peace and Conflict Studies at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. She introduced the module on gender, conflict and human rights in the Masters course on gender studies at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone which she has taught for over twelve years. She is a consultant for the establishment of the Women Peace and Security Institute with the Department of Conflict Prevention at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Centre in Accra, Ghana.
She is one of the authors of the just concluded publication on gender and security sector reform in West Africa and has just commenced a course on women peace and security and gender and peacebuilding in Peace and Conflict Studies at Fourah Bay College. Presented papers at international meetings and conferences and done some publications especially with the Commonwealth Foundation. She is a supervisor for several post-graduate programmes at the University of Sierra Leone. She is a receipt of national insignia Independence day award and conferred the title of Grand Officer of the Order of the Rokel (GOOR) by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone in 2007 for her work in peacebuilding and education in Sierra Leone
TEACHING/PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (1985-2011) –(Twenty-five years)
2000 -Present - Head, Peace and Conflict Studies, Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone
2009 -Present – Visiting Lecturer - Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre
2010 –Visiting Lecturer – University of Pisa, Italy
2005 -Present – Visiting Research Fellow Hiroshima Institute of Peace Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Japan
2004 -Present – Lecturer – Gender, Conflict and Human Rights – Masters – GRADOC, Fourah Bay College
1992- Present - Lecturer, University of Sierra Leone
- Office of the Ombudsman – JSDP/British Council
- Memory Truth and Reconciliation for Genocide Prevention Argentina - AIPR
- Gender and Security Sector Reform – Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Force (DCAF)
- Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces – Government of Sierra Leone
- The Sierra Leone Prison Services – Government of Sierra Leone –
- Justice Sector Development Programme – JSDP, British Council Sierra Leone DFID
- ACCORD, Durban South Africa – Peace Agreements in Africa
- ‘A Public Perception Survey on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse’ – OXFAM, Freetown, 2007
- National Baseline Study – Access to Justice – Amnesty International – Netherlands – 2008
- Survey on the use of Local Courts – Justice Sector Development Programme – British Council/DFID - 2008
- National Research on Domestic Violence – CARE Sierra Leone 2007
- Capacity Building for Public Administration and Civil Service Regeneration in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone’ Report on the Study Visit – Governance and Institutional Division (GIDD) 6th – 28th February 2006 funded by the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC))
- Mid-term Review - Evaluation of the Mano River Peace Forum – Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea September, International Alert, London, 2005
- Documentation of Action Aid Gender Mainstreaming Experiences – Sierra Leone, The Gambia and Ghana 2002
- Design of the Strategic Plan for the Office of the Ombudsman, - Operational zing the Office of the Ombudsman in Sierra Leone, Governance and Institutional Division, Commonwealth Secretariat London - A Strategic Plan 2002
- Development of the National Policy on Gender Mainstreaming and the Advancement of Women, Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs 2001
- National Commission for Democracy and Human Rights- Design of Information and Communications Strategy, Networking and Co-ordination, NCDHR 2003
- Setting up a Gender-Based Advocacy Network, The World Bank, Freetown, 2004
THESIS SUPERVISION Supervised over twenty thesis including
Claudine Hingsting – ‘The Media as Vehicle for the Promotion of women’s empowerment in Sierra Leone’, M.A Gender Studies 2004
Miriam Samu., ‘The Social Transformation of women in Post-conflict Sierra Leone’, M.A Gender Studies, 2005
Sylvia Goba, The impact of gender-based violence with specific reference to wife-battery, MA Thesis 2005
1. ‘Conflict and the Millennium Development Goals’ in Breaking with Business as Usual- Civil Society Perspectives on the MDGs Commonwealth Foundation, London September 2005
2. ‘Helping academics in the preparation of research proposal’ Research Global Leaning from each other, Association of Commonwealth Universities, March 2007 Issue 15
3. Baseline Survey – Justice Sector Development Project (JSDP) – Freetown, British Council/DFID 2006
4. ‘National Public Perception Survey of the Special Court for Sierra Leone’ - 2007
5. Education for All (EFA National Action Plan (Lead Writer for Goal Six on addressing Gender Disparity) , UNESCO/MEST, Freetown, 2002
6. Civil Society Initiative on Peace, Conflict and Post-conflict Reconstruction Dialogue on Post-Conflict Liberia Debt, Aid and Development Conflict and Development in Africa September 11 – 13 Corina Hotel, Monrovia, Liberia
7. ‘Achieving MDGs in the midst of poverty and violent conflicts’ in ‘The Commonwealth Heads of Government Book’ London, Henley Media Group, 2005.
8. “Maintaining State function and Public and Community Services in Conflict situations: Regional lessons from the case of Cassamance, Senegal – The dynamics of emerging from conflict situations in West Africa” OECD Zinguichor (Senegal) 25 – 27
10. ‘Women in Postwar and New Democracies A Case Study of Sierra Leone’ – Women in Peace building Network (WIPNET), WANEP, Dakar, November 2002
UNPUBLISHED (These are just a selection of some)
1. ‘Approaches to Conflict’., A Lecture delivered on the Visit of the Nigeria Command and Staff College to Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone
2. ‘Challenges to Postwar Reconstruction in Sierra Leone’- in Ethno-political Conflicts in Africa, Pennsylvania, United States, University of Pennsylvania, 2006
3. ’Helping academic staff to access International funding’ The First International Conference on Research and Innovation Management in West Africa, Lagos State University Lagos 22 – 26th November 2006
4. ‘The Role of the University in Promoting Democratic Governance for Peace and Development’ - Meeting of Rectors – Diplomats - International organizations Peace builders and NGO Representatives- Sponsored by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (General Directorate for Development and Cooperation) Organized by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’United Nations Headquarters, New York 22 – 23rd July 2004
5. ‘The Media and the Millenium Development Goals: Making a Difference’ Malta 22-23rd November 2005, Communications and Media Division – Commonwealth heads of Government Meeting – 2005.
6. ‘Women and Security’ Submission to the Office of National Security Sector Review Process, 2004/5
7. Education in Difficult Circumstances’ – A Paper presented at the Commonwealth Education Ministers Conference in Edinburgh Scotland on ‘A Case Study of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sierra Leone’. October 2003
8. ‘Field Manual on Peace and Civic Education’, Freetown, GTZ, Sierra Leone, 2004
9. ‘Field Manual on Psychosocial Counselling’, Freetown, GTZ, Sierra Leone, 2004
10. ‘Transition from War to Peace’ – The Sierra Leone Experience’ – Parallel Symposium at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Nigeria (CHOGM) – December 2003
11. ‘A Profile on Peace building and Conflict Prevention Activities in Sierra Leone’, WIPNET (WANEP), Accra 2002
12. ‘The Role of the Military in the New Dispensation in Sierra Leone’ - A Paper, presented at an annual conference held by Amnesty International and other NGOs on the theme The Transfer of small arms and Light weapons in Africa British Council, October 1999. (Published)
13. ‘Violence against Women in Sierra Leone’, National Forum For Human Rights (NHHR) - Draft report to the Special Repertoire on Violence against Women 2002
14. ‘Peace and Conflict Studies Modules’, Freetown, University of Sierra Leone, 2002
15. ‘Human Rights Education Modules’, Freetown University of Sierra Leone 2002
16. Some thoughts on access to information in Post war Sierra Leone Consultative Workshop on Sierra Leone Access to Information Advocacy Project – USIS Auditorium 10th December 2002
17. Development and Conflict and Conflict Prevention, United Nations University for Peace, Costa Rica 2002
18. ‘Planning a Peace Education Programme – The Role of Youths in the Mano River Union Basin - United Nations National Youth Organization (UNOY)’, 1st National Training Workshop on Education for the Culture of Peace, Freetown 14th-21st December 2002
19. ‘Gender Based Violence in Conflict Situations’ (Phase I Report), GRADOC, Freetown, 2001
20. ‘The Current Status of the Peace Process in Sierra Leone’, A Seminar Paper, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK 2001 http:
21. ‘Evaluating the Effectiveness of Information Storage and Retrieval Systems in Three Documentation Centres in Sierra Leone’ MA Thesis (unpublished) 1997.
22. ‘Science and Technology Information Services ‘- A paper delivered at a Seminar organized by SALSTINET in collaboration with the British Council ‘Promoting the use of Science and Technology Information for the Development of Industries’ November 1996 Mount Aureol Freetown
23. ‘The Role of SALSTINET’ A paper presented at the Launching of Internet Services in Sierra Leone Organized by SIERRATEL 26th July 1995
24. ‘Information Resource Sharing and Networking ‘ A Paper presented at a workshop organized by SALSTINET 5th December 1995
- Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS)
- Sierra Leone Association of Archivist Librarians and Information Scientists (SLAALIS)
- Forum for Research in Science and Technology and the Arts (FORSTAD)
- Computer Association of Sierra Leone
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- Member of the Global Peace Group in Hague
- Member, Network for Collaborative Peace building in Sierra Leone
- Cordinator USL.COM Project University of Sierra Leone and national Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM)
- Member, University Public Affairs Committee
- Member National Steering Committee, UN Peace building Commission
- Member , Congregation Committee
- Member, University Curriculum Committee
- Member, National Technical Committee, Peace and Development Initiative, UNDP
- Member, Friends of the Museum
- Member Women’s Forum
- Member West Africa Women’s Peace building Network
- Vice- Chairperson - Network for Collaborative Peace-building – Sierra Leone- West Africa Network for Peace building
- Education for All (National EFA Action Plan For Sierra Leone, Ministry of Education, Government of Sierra Leone
- Gender and Development, Government of Sierra Leone (Development of Gender Mainstreaming Policy and the Advancement of Women).
- Member, five Man National Technical Committee, Access to Information, 2002
1. The Commonwealth Visiting Fellowship 2002
2. National Award for 15 Distinguished Women of Sierra Leone 2002
3. British Academy Awards (Research Award) 2001 - Association of Commonwealth Universities
4. Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (CFTC) – Study Visits 2006
5. National Independence Day Award 2007 – Grand Officer of the Order of the Rokel - GOOR