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Developing speaking skill in the classroom: problems, strategies and the teachers’ role.

Speaking skill takes a significant part in the process of the students leaning. As we know, the four skills are meaningful when we are learning a second language but one of the most is speaking, even though; each one of the skills has its importance depending of the area in which we want to focus our attention. Through the years, the process of learning a second language has been changing. 20 years ago, teachers just focus their attention to some skills that are grammar, reading and writing. However; they did not take into consideration speaking skill, they did not take into account to work on the developing of this skill. This is the reason for which many people that learn English in the past are not able to communicate and interact using the language.

Speaking skill is a difficult skill to work on because the types of activities that teachers use in order to improve it are not meaningful for students because they do not try to contextualize them into real life situations. In addition; even if the teacher contextualize them in real life situations, they will have problems like pronunciation, coherence, cohesion, fluency and in some cases students can be shy so they will have problems expressing what they feel. According to Bertram (2002), “Oral language is the greatest use of language and is the basis of communication”. A vital part in the process of learning a second language respect to the developing of speaking skill is the classroom interaction. It can be teacher-student, student-teacher and student- student interaction. The classroom interaction can achieve a big improvement in the process of students’ learning a second language.

Students have different problems developing their speaking skill

The first problem that students present when they interact among them in their English classes is blocking, it occurs when students are speaking in English. However; they do not how to say something and they do not find the appropriate words, so they get nervous and they cannot express what they feel or what they want. In some cases, this problem is more common in students that are shy because they have lack of confidence and they do not trust on themselves (Beare ny). So at the moment that they are in front of someone they do not know how to start a conversation. In addition, most of the time students that participate in the classes are the same for each activity, so teachers do not encourage others students and they dod notmotivate them to participate in the different activities.

Another common problem that students have developing their speaking skill is translations, it occurs when student tend to translate everything from their mother tongue into English. It is sometimes difficult because if students always do the same while they are speaking, they cannot have fluency at speaking because they have to structure their idea in their mind first of all in their mother tongue and then translate it into English. So students spend more time doing that and sometimes people do not understand what they are trying to say because some of the words have not the same meaning in English as in Spanish. As we know, in our language there are different words that are similar in English and their meaning is the same, so it is easy to understand them for example information, computer, among others; however, students can be confused with false cognates. According to Lawless (2011), false cognates are words that look similar in English and in Spanish, but their meaning is completely different, so it can cause that students have problems at the moment they translate something. Some false cognates are the following actually, dishonest, embarrass, among others.

Lack of vocabulary in students is another common problem presents in students during when they want to have a conversation with a classmates or with the teacher in English during the classes. According to Beare (ny), the lack of vocabulary really affects the development of the students while they speak, sometimes they get in trouble because they do not find another way to say something and they always use the same vocabulary. So it makes that students sound repetitive at the moment that they express their ideas or opinions. Also because most of the time the vocabulary that we learn in the classes are very formal, teachers just teach us formal vocabulary and they do not teach us slang word, reductions, contractions, among others aspects of the informal language. So when students try to have a conversation with someone else they get in troubles. Furthermore; students have to know both types of language (formal and informal) in order to have more vocabulary at the moment they speak.

Finally, we have the opportunities that students have in order to practice the language out the classroom. Most of the students just speak in English during their classes and when they go out the school they are not in touch with the language, so they do not speak in English with their family and friends. So, it makes more difficult the successful developing of their speaking skill when they interact with someone. According to Byrne (1986), students need to practice in the real world what they learn during their classes because the practice makes a better improvement and if students do not have the opportunity to practice they do not improve their speaking skill.

Teachers apply different strategies for improving speaking skill

The main strategy that teachers use in order to achieve their objective is trying to integrate the four skills in the process of teaching the language. It is in order to achieve a meaningful students’ learning. So teachers try to apply a variety of activities working with the different skills, for example they work with something of grammar but at the same they look for certain speaking, reading, and writing activities that leave them practice in the different contexts. In this way students obtained a better learning and they will be able to understand produce the language in written form as in spoken form. According to Bertram (2002), students need to move from learning the language to speak it. They have to be able to use the language in the different forms because in real word they will need to know the vocabulary and grammar rules in order to communicate something in written or spoken form.

Another strategy that some experts suggest is the implementation of different activities. Some of them are role plays, discussions, and performances among others. According to Bertram (2002), discussions are a useful strategy for developing the speaking skill in students, integrating different skills. One possible way is to give students a reading, after they read it ask them to write a report about the reading and after that discuss with students different points respect to the reading. In this way we as teacher are incorporating reading, writing, speaking, and grammar. Additionally; according to Bare (ny), dialogues are a very easy and meaningful strategy when we are teaching speaking. Dialogues can help student to feel comfortable at the moment they are face to face with someone having a conversation in English because they already had previous experiences speaking with someone.

Contextualize students in real life situations is another strategy that can help students to solve their problems they have developing their speaking skill. According to Johnson and Marrow (1981), students have to know how to do something. So teachers have to prepare students to survive in and out the classroom. In addition; they have to teach students to use the language in different real life situations because one of the most significant parts of the learning is that students could apply their knowledge talking about their own life and at the same time out the classroom. So teachers have to give students the tools that they need when they confront the real world and with it the opportunity to be better in the future.

Another aspect that teachers need to consider for improving the developing of speaking skill in the classroom is to encourage their students to participate during the classes. Most of the teachers just put attention to students that participate in every single class, but they do not put attention to students that do not participate in classes and also they do not do anything to encourage their students. According to Navarro (ny), students’ participation takes a vital part in the developing of speaking skill because if we as teacher encourage our students in the classes they will not get afraid of speaking in front of the group or interact with someone during the class. These are just some of the suggestions that some experts give teachers in order for them achieve a great improvement in speaking skill.

Finally, teachers need to create an appropriate and comfortable environment in order for them to feel free to express their ideas, feelings and opinions without be afraid of do it. In this way teacher can achieve that their students have confidence when they have a conversation or have to interact with someone using the language (Bertram 2002). Most of the times, when shy students try to speak for the first time, some students laugh of them, so it makes that students do not want to express what they feel or what they think respect to their life or the topic that they are seeing.

The role that English interaction plays in the classroom

The classroom interaction is necessary and useful when we are learning a second language. The interaction plays a significant role in the classroom because it gives an opportunity to students to practice the language with people that are in the same process of learning. According to Khadidja (2010), “Classroom interaction then involves the verbal exchanges between learners and teachers; however, teachers should know that the learners need to do most of the talk to activate their speaking, since this skill requires practice and experience to be developed.” In most of the cases the teacher is the person who talks more time and he/she does not leave that students take time to talk.

The classroom interaction involves two main aspects that are negotiation meaning and feedback. These aspects help students to have a meaningful learning but if these aspects are not presented in the classroom, we cannot say that students are learning the language successfully. (Khadidja 2010) The negotiation meaning is considered as the central discourse structure. So in this case the learner has to make the information provided for the teacher more comprehensible for the other learner in the class. In addition; feedback is a vital part of the interaction because in this way teacher and students interact among them and this is the perfect opportunity to be in touch with the language interacting. However; in most of the cases, in the classroom there is much talking belongs from the teacher. Teacher does not leave students to express what the want.

Some of the types of classroom interaction are the following: Teacher-student, student-teacher, and student- student. Teacher students’ interaction is most common in a class. It occurs when teacher talks with students. In contrast, students- teacher interaction is when students speak with teacher about a specific point, and students-students interaction is when students speak among them. The students-students interaction can be during the activities that teachers apply in order to practice that language or just during the time class. (Khadidja 2010) This type of interaction is less common than the others because most of the time students are concentrating their attention on the process of learning the language and not in the people who are around them or the thoughts of this people.

However; teachers sometimes do not apply activities that leave students to interact among them. Some of the teachers work just with reading, writing, listening and grammar activities, so students do not interact among them because they just answer the exercises or do wherever teacher says and they do not talk each other about anything. Applying different activities in order to give students the opportunity to socialize with the whole group is meaningful for students because in this way teachers are creating a comfortable environment during the classes and at the same time they are promoting the developing of speaking skill through the interaction. (Khadidja 2010)

In the other hand; students interact among them but they do it in Spanish. In most of the cases when a teacher apply an activity that involves interaction, students tend to speak always in Spanish and they do not practice English so it is not meaningful for students because students have to use the classroom interaction in order to practice and improve the language. The role of classroom interaction is essential even most of the time teachers do not give the importance that it has. With the classroom interaction we can achieve that our students are better at the moment that they speak with someone that dominates the language or when students want to express their ideas and feelings about different things. (Khadidja 2010) The interaction can achieve a big improvement of the language respect to the developing of speaking in each student if it is well used by the teacher during the class time.


Most of the English students have problems with the developing of some skills, some of them have problems writing, reading, listening and speaking; but the most common problem is in developing their speaking skill. Even though, teachers apply different strategies in order to help students improve their speaking skill while they are interacting with their classmates or the teacher in their English classes. The role of the teacher when he teaches the language affects the process of students’ learning. In the process of learning influences many aspects, one of them is the way in which teacher gives the class and the strategies and techniques that he uses in order to make meaningful the learning of the language in their students. For this reason; nowadays teachers try to give their students the enough tools that they will need in the future, thinking in real life situations while they teach something related to the language.

Most of the teachers in these days are consciously that learning a language is not just understood texts, audios, and people who speak the language. Teachers can use different tools in order to achieve that their students can be better in the future. One tool that teachers can use again or in favor is the classroom interaction. If teachers know how to make that students interact among them using the language they can achieve that students solve the problems they have at the moment they talk with someone or when they are exposing something in front of the group. Knowing that, the classroom interaction plays a significant part in the process of learning because it involves the repetition and the practice of the language during the classes.


Beare, K., (ny). Speaking strategies for English learner. Retrieved on

Bertram, G., (2002). Effective communication: The importance of oral language in the school curriculum. Retrieved on

Farooqui, S., 2007, Developing speaking skills of adult learners in private universities in Bangladesh: problems and solutions, Australian Journal of Adult Learning, vol 47, no. 1. Retrieved on

Johnson K., & Morrow K., (1981), Communication in the classroom. Logman. Engalnd. Pp 49, 60-65.

Kayi, H., (ny), Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language. Retrieved from

Khadidja, K., (ny), The Effect Of Classroom Interaction On Developing The Learner’s Speaking Skill. Retrieved on

Lawless L. (2011), False Cognates. Retrieved from

Navarro, B., (ny),Improving Speaking Skill. Retrieved from

You needed to have at least 10 references.

Annotated Bibliographies

Beare, K., (ny). Speaking strategies for English learner. Retrieved on

In this article Beare, explores the different troubles that students present when they try to communicate in other language. The author uses data collected through some students’ experiences and class situations. This article is useful to my research topic because it tells some problems that students face while they speak and some suggestions to avoid these problems. The author concludes saying that students understand the language but they are not able to produce it in a spoken form. Some information on this article will form part of my research topic .

Bertram, G., (2002). Effective communication: The importance of oral language in the school curriculum. Retrieved on

In this article Bertram, explores the place that oral language takes in the process of learning. The author uses data collected through the analysis of different curriculums from different countries. This article is useful to my research topic as Bertram says, oral language skills remain essential for communication of ideas and intelligent conversation. The author says that one of the effective ways to facilitate the improvement of speaking skill is to contextualize students in real life situations, let’s know students that they can use the language every day I different places and for different purposes. This article will not form the basis of my research but it provides important information to my research.

Byrne D., (1986), Teachin oral English. Logman. Engalnd. Pp 8-12.

In this chapter the Byrne explores the ways that teachers uses in order for teaching. This book is focused its attention on how teachers need to motivate students during the class in order for them to express their ideas. The authors use data from previous experiences and previous researches experiences. This book is useful to my research topic because teachers'comments take part in the process of learning. The authors restate that teachers need to create a comfortable enviroment in the classes and at the same time they have to motivate students. This article will not form the basis of my research but it contributes to my research.

Carter R., & Carthy M., (1997), Exploring Spoken English. Logman. Engalnd. Pp 121-134.

In this book Carter & Carthey, present different lesson plans that can help Spanish speaker to get a better pronunciation and at the same time enrich their vocabulary when they speak. The authors use data collected through previous experiences of different Spanish speakers. This book is useful to my research topic because it gives some types in order to be better and have fluency when they speak. The authors restate that Spanish speakers need to increase their vocabulary and have better pronunciation of the language in order to be understood for American Speakers. This book will not form the basis of my research topic but it will take part of it.

Farooqui, S., 2007, Developing speaking skills of adult learners in private universities in Bangladesh: problems and solutions, Australian Journal of Adult Learning, vol 47, no. 1. Retrieved on

In this article Farooqui studies the reasons for which students from private universities have a higher level of English when they finish it. The author uses date gathered through some semi-structured interviews, observations and document analysis. His research focuses on how teachers of private universities apply strategies in order for students develop their speaking skill. The article is useful to my research topic, as Farooqui says that in private universities teacher give more importance to the language and they try to contextualize their students into real life situations. The author indicates that teaching strategies used in private universities are successful for learners and he says that the key is that private universities make the language compulsory. This article will not form the basis of my research but it will complement the information on my research.

Johnson K., & Morrow K., (1981), Communication in the classroom. Logman. Engalnd. Pp 49, 60-65.

In this book, Johnson, explores how students from intermediate level can use the language in their academic work. This book is design to help English students to improve their speaking skill. The authors use data gathered through different situations presented in students respect to the speaking skill. This book is useful to my research topic because it gives some strategies that teacher can use in order to increase the confidence students in using spoken language. The authors restate that students need to activate and extend their linguistic competence. This article will not form the basis of my research but it contributes to my research.

Kayi, H., (ny), Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language. Retrieved from

In this article Kavi, explores the importance of implementing the speaking skill in the classroom and the different activities that teachers can o in order o improve it. The author uses information gathered by different observations classes in different levels. This article is useful to my research topic because it gives an over view about the different activities that teachers can use in order to help students to improve their speaking skill. The author says that the activities take an important place in the learning process, they can help students or they cannot help them. This article will not form the basis of my research but some of this information is going to be part of my research.

Khadidja, K., (ny), The Effect Of Classroom Interaction On Developing The Learner’s Speaking Skill. Retrieved on

In this article Khadidja, explores the importance of the interaction in the classroom in order to improve the speaking skill in students. The author uses information gathered from a questionnaire design for teachers and learners. This article is useful to my research topic because my topic focuses its attention on the students’ interaction in the classroom developing their speaking skill. The author restates that both learners and teachers consider classroom interaction as an important pedagogical strategy in enhancing the skill of speaking. This article is going to take part of the basis of my research.

Missing Lawless (2011).

Navarro, B., (ny),Improving Speaking Skill. Retrieved from

In this article Navarro examines how adults and infant learn a language, seeing the difficulties and facilities in both cases in order to look for real possibilities of adults to develop a high level of speaking proficiency. The author uses data gained through observations classes; it is in order to know the role of the teacher in the classroom and the activities he/she uses. This article is useful to my research topic because it focuses its attention on knowing what aspects need to improve and at the same time provide some speaking strategies for overcoming the difficulties in adult learners developing their speaking skill. The author assumes that teachers can help students to improve their speaking skill; teachers just need to focus their attention on what they want to teach and how they are going to teach it. This article will not form the basis of my research but I will take into consideration it in order to complete the information on my research.

Tsou, W., (2005). Improving Speaking Skills Through Instruction In Oral Classroom Participation. Retrieved on

In this article Tsou, suggests remedies to language learners’ reticence of instructions. The author uses quantitative and qualitative data; he uses data gathered through tests, questionnaires and students participation in classes. This article is useful to my research topic because it gives a possible reason for which students have problems developing their speaking skill focuses its attention on the students’ interaction. The author restates that teachers need to provide ample opportunities of practice the language in a spoken form. This article will not be part of the basis of my research but I will take some information in order to complete the information on my research.

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  • Word count 2,613.  You have only eight references when you need to have at least 10, and your references need to be alphabetized. You say important 18 times.  Remember that everything you say is (or should be) important, so no need to use the word.  Work on your introduction, making sure that you state a problem in the first paragraph and that you include a thesis statement in your second paragraph that links to your problem.  The reasons section of your thesis statement will be your topics you cover in each of the three sections of your literature review.  Click here to see some helpful videos.  Link your conclusion to your thesis statement and summarize the main points that you've previously discussed. Remember not to include any new information in your conclusion. Also, discuss future implications and ideas for further research related to your topic.  
  • Add your references section and see other comments above. --Bnleez 04:30, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
  • Alphabetize your references and only include one double space between references. Also, replace References with Annotated Bibliography in your level II heading. --Bnleez 13:24, 19 October 2011 (UTC)