User:Leeming/UAP/Session 2

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SESSION 2 : UAP Gateways access and familiarisation

Streaming: 3 UAP groups (TFS, CLICC 1, CLICC 2)

Lead developer: GH


  • Participants should be familiar with the Vanuatu UAP in general along with the various types of environments including TFS and CLICCs


  • Power point presentation equipment
  • The UAP Gateway and Server connected with a working Internet connection
  • A set of TFS, CLICC high power and CLICC Ncomputing
  • Access to OpenDNS UAP account. I set one up with email for now. We will have to see what sort of network we will have access to at the workshop
  • An external USB stick or a USB external hard drive (for full backups of the whole server)


  1. Introduction to the UAP Gateway and Server
    • Level - Basic
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn what about Gateways and Servers
      2. Learn about the UAP Gateway and Server
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Basic] - UAP Gateway and Server in rural setup
  2. UAP Gateway and Server Capabilities
    • Level - Basic
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Introduce the UAP Gateway and Server network services
      2. Introduce the UAP Gateway and Server user services
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Basic] - UAP Gateway and Server reflexion
  3. Connecting Computing Devices to the Network
    • Level - Intermediary
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn about captive portals
      2. Learn how users are connected to the network (Captive Portal Authentication)
      3. Learn how to join a domain (CLICC environments only)
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Basic] - How to configure a home page in a browsers on Android
      2. Assignment [Basic] - How to configure a home page in a browsers on Windows
      3. Assignment [Intermediary] - Join the UAP Gateway and Server Domain
  4. Introduction to the UAP Community Portal
    • Level - Basic
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn about Portal websites
      2. Introduce the participant to the UAP Community Digital Portal
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Basic] - Browse through the Community Portal and explain how it is organised
  5. Network Configuration
    • Level - Intermediary
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn about DHCP and how to persist network information for network devices
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Intermediary] - persisting an IP address lease
  6. Network traffic monitoring
    • Level - Intermediary to get started but very advanced to master
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn how to monitor and analyse your network traffic
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Intermediary] - Monitoring your own traffic
  7. OpenDNS Content Filtering
    • Level - Intermediary to get started but very advanced to master
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn about content filtering
      2. Learn how to block categories of websites
      3. Learn how to block single websites
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Basic] - Add a website to block
  8. Users, Groups, Roles and Permissions Administration
    • Level - Intermediary to just add users and assign groups but very advanced to understand roles and permissions management
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn about Users and Groups
      2. Learn about Permissions and Roles
      3. Learn how to create users and assign them to existing groups
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Advanced] - Adding a new user from Linux Command Line
      2. Assignment [Advanced] - Adding a user to a group with Linux Command Line
  9. File Sharing and Storage Management
    • Level - Basic to get started and intermediary to effectively share resources
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Learn about centralised storage of resources (files)
      2. Learn about disk usage quota
      3. Learn about sharing resources between users and groups of users
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Basic] - Connecting to an ownCloud server as your user with a browser
      2. Assignment [Intermediary] - Connecting to an ownCloud server as your user with Android app (ocloud for owncloud)
      3. Assignment [Intermediary] - Connecting to an ownCloud server as your user with Windows Desktop Client
      4. Assignment [Intermediary] - Sharing a file with the Android app
      5. Assignment [Intermediary] - Sharing a file with the Windows Desktop Client
      6. Assignment [Advanced] - Configuring a folder to be shared for only teachers from browser
  10. Backup and Restore
    • Level - Basic to conduct backup on prepared disk, Advanced for most other related tasks
    • Duration - TODO
    • Objectives
      1. Introduce trainee to concept of backups
      2. Raise awareness of importance of backups
      3. Demonstrate process to prepare USB external drive for backup
      4. Demonstrate process for UAP Gateway and Server backup without major interruption to services
      5. Demonstrate process for UAP Gateway and Server restoration
      6. Provide alternative support options to acquire a backup disk
    • Activities
      1. Assignment [Basic] - Preparing a USB Stick for backups
      2. Assignment [Basic] - Backing up the UAP Gateway and Server
      3. Assignment [Advanced] - Restore a UAP Gateway and Server

Please add your suggestions/bullet points below!

(include your initials so we know who added what)