2nd Article Review
This article contains detailed information about the use of direct instruction in classrooms; such research was led by Kim Viel-Ruma, David E. Houchins, Kristine Jolivette, Laura D. Fredrick, and Robert Gama that were interested on the problems that students (high school students) face on written expression tasks.
Direct Instruction is an explicit instructional approach based on task analysis, scripted lessons, and choral response (Stein, Carnine, & Dixon, 1998). is hallmarked by its focus on analyzing major skills into smaller sub-skills, providing frequent opportunities for student response, and delivering sequenced instructional steps from one level of mastery to the next at a quick pace (Swanson, 2001).
Students with disabilities frequently have problems when writing tasks. To improve the written expression performance of high school students with deficits in written expression, a Direct Instruction writing program was employed. The applicants were 6 high school students in programs for individuals with learning disabilities. 3 of the 6 students were assisted in programs for students who are English Language Learners. Using a multiple-probe across-participants design, the effect of the writing program was examined.
The intervention was applied above a 5-week period through upkeep checks led 2 and 4 weeks after the end of the instruction. Results were variable; however there seemed to be an optimistic development in student writing performance as measured by correct word sequence, length of text, and the TOWL-3. Implications for practice and future directions are also provided. The research done by these authors is rather complex for some readers; such research contains several definitions and acronyms that some readers could get lost with this information. In fact the article contains enough information about the problem and maybe future research could be done in the future.
This article could be useful in the researcher’s career and work; the direct instruction could be the answer for some students who share the same problems like the students evaluated in this research. According to the career the researcher could get more knowledge when writing research and thesis as well because those projects require more focusing and detailed information in which direct instruction enters as a topic or a way to solve certain problem in Mexican classrooms.
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Make changes based on the feedback I provided in your printed version of your article review (Oct. 6, 2011).
1st Article Review
Liruso, S. and Villanueva, E. (2003) “Giving Oral Instructions to EFL Young Learners”
This article contains the outcomes of the research made by two investigators called Liruso & Villanueva about the field of study of the oral instructions to EFL learners in Argentina.
This work focuses on the complications that surge when teachers have to give oral instructions to children who are learning English as a second language. it was indicated that it is necessary that teachers take conscience of the importance of giving clear instructions for the good management of the class because if not, students will not understand the teacher’s explanations and therefore, they will not be able to learn the language. It is stated that teacher is the key to a good learning and its management of class.
Everything is based in the instructions: if teacher gives clear instructions, the learning process is more effective and the authors state that in teaching, there are different ways to give instructions depending of the kinds of activities as well as for students; they are other essential part of the good management of the class, depending of the children teacher should find a way to get to the children and make them involve in the class.
To have a real perception of the situation questionnaires were designed to evaluate the teacher’s development and student’s behavior during the giving of instructions. The problems described like “talking without engaging students’ attention, no demonstration or modeling, and also students asking for clarification before hearing the whole instructions” where a brief aspect of the instrument used in the research.
All the research is clear and every citation gets you to the point in a clear and brief way, it still needs some information of other authors but it’s still getting the idea even with a small number of authors cited as well as the information stated, it could have more research but the point stated on the research cover the aspects required for the study, remember that teaching is a non-stop topic.
The research will help me in my investigations about my topic as well as in my classes, I have problems finding the right words for my students and every activity they still get confused in what they have to do, the article will be useful in my future classes to solve my lacks of attention and management of class.
In relation to my research, the article will aid me in different ways; in fact the research will help me to get experience and knowledge writing as professional in any kind of academic research as well as the thesis for the next semester. In addition, the article it’s kind of related to the course of academic writing and also, it can give ideas for my own classes because the topic in itself is very important for me; after all, I’m a teacher and I have to be careful of this aspect to give effective classes.
Check your notes as to what to include in each of the four paragraphs required for this assignment. If you have questions, see me.