Useful open source software
From WikiEducator
- Ubuntu Linux - A popular Linux distribution - especially good for new users
- Gentoo Linux - A source based Linux distribution
- Awesome - A dynamic floating and tiling window manager
- Spectrwm - A small dynamic tiling window manager
- Stumpwm - A manual tiling window manager written in lisp
- Xmonad - A dynamic tiling window manager
- Fluxbox - A lightweight window manager
- Emacs - The text editor which includes the kitchen sink
- Vi - text editor (actually vim)
- Jedit - an excellent full-featured text editor
- LibreOffice - Open source office suite (fork of openoffice)
- Gnumeric - a spreadsheet (better math support than openoffice)
- Inkscape - a drawing program based on SVG
- Scribus - a desktop publishing program. Can also be used for making PDF presentations.
- LyX - GUI front end to LaTeX
- Gqview - photo viewer
- Gimp - photo editor (note the difference with gqview)
- Mutt - the command line based e-mail client
- [1] - webkit browser with good security features
- Firefox - Mozilla's open source web browser
- IceCat - GNU free software version of Firefox (no longer maintained)
- MozEx - cool Firefox add-on for using a text editor for editing inside the browser (note does not work for Firefox 3.5+)
- AdBlock Plus - Firefox add-on which blocks ads
- NoScript - Firefox add-on which blocks potentially dangerous Javascript
- w3m - a text web browser
- Urxvt - terminal with good unicode support
- zsh - shell designed for interactive use