Hey All, like most of you checking this page I am a student in CIS50 and I have an interest in learning more about datasystems and information systems because I would like to know more about how information is exchanged and shared in our modern community where a great deal of information is shared online.
My IS project:
Linked Mobile Device/Home Network Cloud
Uses: Makes a complete network between any mobile smart phone and all home computers, ideal for those who work at home without capabilities to use "Mobile Remote Desktop"
Users: Anyone with a smart-phone and home network
Users Need: Capable smart phone (Data/processor) and computer
System Need: Networked Computer OS support between phones, constant network device (i.e Dedicated networked hard-drive w/low profile linux cloud management), cloud management application (Mobile and desktop)
Available Information: Any desired linked information.
Specialized components will be necessary in order to implement my IS.
- a dedicated full-time networked hard-drive to store information to be shared (more eco friendly than leaving an entire desktop running simply to access the HD)
- a smart phone capable of high bandwidth information transfer (bluetooth, wifi, 3g/4g/4g-LTE)
- a computer in order to program/add information to the networked H/D
The only information that will be necessary for the end user will be an email address or mobile phone number, the program will be completely self-programming and have a number of security checkpoints in order to prevent undesired information transfer/tampering by means of a PIN or a secure VPN key generator.