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                                                                               MCA 401 - Software Project Management

Books Referred
Software Project Management (SIE), 5/e by Bob Hughes,Mike Cotterell,Rajib Mall

                                                                                      DETAILED LECTURE PLAN

                                              Unit I
Introduction to Software Project Management:                                                                      5 lectures
1. Software development as a project
2. Stakeholders in software project
3. Software as product and as process,
4. Software resources, quality, and cost
5. Objectives, issues, and problems relating to software projects

Overview of Project Planning:                                                                                                         6 lectures
1. Steps in project planning;
2. Defining scope and objectives;
3. work breakdown structure;
4. Deliverables and other products;
5. time, cost, and resource estimation;
6. Alternatives in Planning
Project Evaluation: 5 lectures
1. Strategic assessment and Technical assessment
2. Cost-benefit analysis and Cash flow forecasting
3. Cost benefit evaluation techniques
4. Break-even analysis
5. Risk evaluation
                                                                                                    Unit II

Selection of Appropriate Project Approach:                                                                               5 lectures
1. Choosing development technology and methodology
2. Choice of process model
3. Rapid application development
4. Waterfall model; V-process model; Spiral model
5. Prototyping; Incremental delivery.

Software Effort Estimation                                                                                                   6 lectures
1. Problem in software estimation and Effort estimation techniques
2. Expert judgment with Estimation by analogy
3. Delphi technique and Algorithmic methods
4. Top-down and bottom-up estimation and Function point analysis
5. Object points
6. COCOMO model

                                                                                              Unit III

Activity Planning                                                                                                                   5 lectures
1. Network planning model
2. Activity-on-arrow network
3. Precedence network
4. Forward pass; Backward pass
5. Critical path; Slack and float

Risk Analysis and Management                                                                                               4 lectures
1. Nature and categories of risk in software development;
2. risk Identification and Risk assessment;
3. Risk mitigation, monitoring, and management;
4. Evaluating schedule risk using PERT.

Recourse Allocation                                                                                                                         4 lectures
1. Nature of project resources with Identifying resource requirement of activities;
2. Allocating and scheduling resources;
3. cost of resources; Standard, planned, and actual cost;
4. Cost variance; time-cost trade-off.

                                                                                                    Unit IV
Project Tracking and Control                                                                                                      3 lectures
1. Measurement of physical and financial progress;
2. Earned value analysis; Status reports;
3. Milestone reports; Change control.
Contact Management                                                                                                                 3 lectures
1. Outsourcing of products and services; Types of contracts;
2. Stages in contract placement;
3. Terms of contract; Contract monitoring; Acceptance testing

                                                                                                    Unit V

Software Quality Assurance                                                                                                                        4 lectures
1. Planning for quality; Product versus process quality management;
2. Procedural and quantitative approaches;
3. Defect analysis and prevention; Statistical process control; Pareto analysis;
4. Causal analysis; Quality standards; ISO 9000; Capability Maturity Model; Quality audit.