The increase of Population will bring a 70% increase of Wold hunger... What can we do?
World hunger is a problem that has existed for hundreds of years, and as the world population grows, there is less food to be had, and as the economy gets worse, as there are less jobs to be had putting food on the table is becoming a more and more difficult task. But for under develop countries and societies they have far fewer choices available to them, far fewer food resources available to them and starvation becomes more and more of a threat. Science estimates that there will be 9million people in the world by 2050, that is 3million more then there is today. At the rate of this population growth the world would have to increase its food production by 70%. An almost impossible task, so how does the world meet its demand? How do we improve our food production by 70% in less than 50 years? Well here are some ideas that Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations suggested:
1. Need to figure a way to produce food at reasonable prices 2. Keep as much spare capacity of land and water available for feeding the world in 2050 3. Utilize new technologies that can help us use scarce resources more effectively, increase stabilize crops and livestock yields 4. Invest in research and development for breakthroughs to be available in time 5. Make the new technologies available to the people that need them the most- the poor 6. Wisely invest in agricultures that adapt to cultural change and determine how much they are effected by extreme weather events
Now one may ask, what about our current food production technology? Don’t we have anything that could help solve the world hunger issue? John Floros from the Institute of Food Technology believes that he may have some type of solution. After doing some tests, his tests showed that processed foods could be more nutritional for the consumer and often time a better value. Furthermore they require far less resources to make and the output is far greater. However, it is a proven fact that in most cases process foods contain tons of Salt, sugar, preservative, other chemicals and are not healthier or sustainable. Processed foods also speed up aging and increase heart disease and diabetes. It is unclear what type of processed food and what type of nutritional food Floros was comparing but it is clear that current food processing technology is not the answer to any of the world hunger issues.