Group 8: Influences of Technology

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Edited by 4 users.
Last edit: 11:49, 6 November 2010

Table of Contents:[edit]

XX. Basic Usage of WikiEducator Instructions

I. Group 8 Task List

II. Instructions

III. Contact List




XX. Basic Usage of WikiEducator Instructions:

I. Group 8 Task List:

Project Manager: Ryan Morishige
Assistant Project Manager: Mimi

Creative Director: Kim Covey
Creative Team: April Erlanson, Philip K Chan, Eddie Menezes, Mike Salinas

Research Director: Jennifer Law
Research Team: Sean Yee, Ryan Morishige,

Talent: Mimi
Assistant Talent: Ryan Morishige

     It's important to note that none of this is set in stone, if anyone wants to change thats not a problem. Also if your in the research group and you have a killer idea feel free to tell the Creative Director, or tell me and I'll tell Kim. The same applies if you are in the creative group and you just happen to be a history buff or in Chu's class feel free to send some info to Jennifer, the Research Director. I do feel that it's important that we all pool our ideas together so we are all apart of the creative process, I'm not asking you to go out of your way just if something pops in your head feel free to share. Ok now on to the fun stuff.

     What we have established thus far as that we will create a team name and a team logo it will involve the number 8 and our theme of the evolution of technology (also can be changed). We are going to make a wiki page for us to post our ideas, and we will have that forum up on I-learn soon. We also established that we wished to make booklet or pamphlets to hand out in class.

     Here's the tough part we might have as much time as you guys think i did the math, we have 7 weeks left of class and 2 of those weeks are taken up by veterans day as well as Thanksgiving day break, which means we have time but maybe not as much as we'd like. Anyway I talked to Nancy and we are doing the evolution of technology to now. But we have 8-9 slides to work with (1 for the tittle page and 1 maybe for introducing the group) but that than means we have to find 8-9 important periods or things that mark a strong turning point in the turn of technology.

Anyway read the instructions for both teams, you might be able to help each other

II. Instructions for Teams:[edit]

Research Team Instructions:
Jennifer I want you and your team to start thinking of 10 important times in the evolution of design technology for example- industrial revolution birth of mass production, Arts and crafts movement mass production is seen as evil, than the Bauhaus where mass production is now widely excepted. (I'm going to ask Nancy if she wants time periods or actual technology products)

Creative Team Instructions:
Kim I want you and your Creative Kids to continue brainstorm for a team name and logo, as well as to start thinking of that solid design form we talked about the slides. Also keep in mind We need music something that will tie in with the overall theme you guys establish, also anyone can help find music

Things to think about:
-Team Name
-Your group work
-Anything that might add to the presentation. Think about not just giving a presentation but creating an experience, that has to do with our general topic.

III. Contact Information:[edit]

April Erlanson: or AE:805-712-7576
Sean Yee: 1 (650) 296-9100
Jennifer Law: JR:916-532-9050
Philip K. Chan: PKC:650-296-9100
Eddie Menezes:
Ryan Morishige: RM:408-858-4082
Kimberly Covey: or MN: 925-207-5073
My "Mimi" Nguyen: MN: 415-306-1461
Mike Salinas: MS:415-215-8336

Also if you could be so kind to send me your phone numbers I can add all your (numbers) Also if you could send me a class schedule//and or work schedule to figure out availability that would be fantastic.

IV. Put your name and your favorite color here to verify



'V. Toilet History[edit]

'VI. Toilet evolution through the ages how it evolved with an ever changing world.[edit]

'VII.The Toilet of the east "[edit]

'VIII.Toilet names";[edit]


Kimlikesapples (talk)07:13, 18 October 2010