TRU/Editorial/Style Guide/Methods of Delivery
A TRU-OL Course
TRU-OL courses come in many shapes and varieties. The following describes the courses and methods of delivery.
Methods of Delivery
Methods of delivery describe the combination of instructional method and schedule type (e.g., in “online paced,” online is the instructional method/method of delivery and paced is the schedule type).
There are six methods of delivery:
Print courses offer an independent method of study, with the course materials primarily available in a traditional paper/print medium.
Standard Web
Standard web courses offer an independent method of study, with the course materials primarily available via the Internet. Textbooks, CDs, or other materials may be included in a course package.
Dynamic Web
Dynamic web courses offer independent study as well as a greater degree of interactivity through group participation online. The course materials are primarily available online but may be accompanied by textbooks, CDs, or other materials. Students use external resources and interact with other students online, with guidance and support from the Open Learning Faculty Member. Each class has a specific start and end date.
Online courses are fully online in a paced, cohort, Open Learning Faculty Member–led model. Online courses provide opportunities for active and dynamic instruction through the use of technical tools and online pedagogical expertise. Interactive activities foster collaboration amongst the cohort and between the learners. Each class has a specific start and end date.
An unpaid practical component of a program that allows students to gain on-the-job experience. In many TRU programs, these are a required part of the program and may also be called “practicum placements.”
A hands-on portion of a course in which students apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained in a course.
Self-paced and Paced Courses
TRU-OL delivers most of its courses in a distance, continuous registration, self-paced format. These courses have fixed durations, with flexible schedules for submitting assignments.
TRU-OL also delivers a limited number of paced courses with fixed start and end dates and with specific dates for submitting assignments and participating in discussions and writing final examinations.
Both self-paced and paced courses are available in print or web-based formats; some have course packages, depending on the course itself.
3991 Courses
The 3991 courses are upper-level critical analysis and research courses requiring a large amount of independent work, reading, web research, and conference-based discussion. They are courses that are available solely on the web.
4991 Courses (Directed Studies)
The 4991 courses are Directed Studies courses. These courses consist of a concentrated, independent study of a topic selected by the student in consultation with a program advisor. Open only to program students, approval is required before students can register. The course content is determined on an individual basis; courses have general guidelines but no course packages.