OERu/OERu 13.10 Meeting/Agenda/Remote participant group
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< OERu | OERu 13.10 Meeting | Agenda(Redirected from OER university/OERu 13.10 Meeting/Agenda/Remote participant group)
(: Points copied from the Etherpad document for remote participants.)
- Thank you for this opportunity to participate!! I asked the question about developing the web literacies needed for OERu within the partner institutions. The answer given was 'get involved in the open ed' culture.
- The OER mtg should address how innovation of course delivery modes (getting involved in the open ed movement) can be fostered within the institutions which still largely depend on traditional course delivery modes.The paradigm shift is significant.
- What are the main value propositions for each stakeholder group? eg. students (enrolled in a partner institution), instructors, administrators, informal students seeking formal recognition, informal students unconcerned with recognition…
- How does OERu plan to address cultural diversity / inclusion? Online discussion raised idea about language & possible translation. That's a start but would need more culturally aware design to reduce one-way culture dispersion and invite more truly collaborative participation.
- Ontario has a model for those with disabilities to access and participate in online/distance courses. Is there a standard for the development of courses that meet the need of learners with disabilities? Universal Design is one thing, are there other guidelines or standards?
- How is OERu promoting / distinguishing itself on the web in the context of all the other open online offerings on parallel delivery platforms: cMoocs, xMoocs, Google course builder, other hybrid Mooc type offerings?
- See the "Communicate OER" project: [[1]]
- Will the data collected in OERu be openly available (CC licensed) for research?
- What is OERu's obligation to UNESCO? Each institution responsible for a certain degree of increased (free) access to higher and developmental ed within communities and perhaps worldwide?
- It was alluded to that instructional design methods will change for the development of OERu courses. Would like to explore what this would look like.
- Is it possible to produce a short video/skit that includes an instructor, a formal student, an informal/online student, etc. discussing their role, providing a "summary" of an academic year? For instance: "Hi, I'm Jane, I'm a student at Empire State College wanting to take your Algebra course as part of my Bachelor's Degree in general studies. I'm enrolling in your course because…I expect to accomplish…" etc.
- How will universities recognize that OERu courses are current and relevant? Are the courses peer viewed (similar to journal articles)? How will courses on the site be updated? or is this even an issue from the grassroots org?
- Need corps of teachers, instructors, profs, facilitators, mentors in partner institutions to assist with design and delivery of OERu program of studies (paid? unpaid?)
- Maintaining worldwide and regional strategic higher ed delivery in a 'disruptive' higher ed environment (see "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen [[2]]
- Discuss Academic volunteers international (Will people actually volunteer their time?)