Watch this video, in this video sign post Anna Hayes and Yan Zhao discuss the rise of China. They also discuss the importance of China in the Asia-Pacific region. Anna and Yan referenced the issue of colonisation and significance of language.
Towards defining the Asia-Pacific region
In order to have an understanding of regional relations in the Asia Pacific, we first need to consider what constitutes the Asia-Pacific region. This is a term often used, but what does it actually mean? For instance, what is an Asia-Pacific country? The term ‘Asia-Pacific’ is often used as a homogenous grouping. However, this incorrectly portrays the region, which is quite diverse in many respects. Before we consider the diversity that exists in Asia and the Pacific, we must first consider which countries comprise the region. This is the purpose of our first E-learning activity for this Module.
In this Module we start by individually compiling a list of the countries that comprise the Asia-Pacific region in the e-learning activity. When compiling your list of countries, you should think about the geographic diversity contained in the region. You should also think about the different peoples, societies, cultures and climate across this region. These factors will provide further evidence of the diversity that exists in the region. You may also be intrigued by countries that fit the categorisation of an Asian-Pacific country, although they may not instantly come to mind. Just where do the boundaries lie for this very dynamic, ever-changing region of states (countries)?