New Zealand Schools OER Portal/Curriculum/The Arts Levels 1-4
The Arts
Level 1
Understanding the Arts in Context
Students will:
Demonstrate an awareness of dance in their lives and in their communities.
Students will:
Demonstrate an awareness that drama serves a variety of purposes in their lives and in their communities.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Explore and share ideas about music from a range of sound environments and recognise that music serves a variety of purposes and functions in their lives and in their communities.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Share ideas about how and why their own and others’ works are made and their purpose, value, and context.
Developing Practical Knowledge
Students will:
Explore movement with a developing awareness of the dance elements of body, space, time, energy, and relationships.
Students will:
Explore the elements of role, focus, action, tension, time, and space through dramatic play.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Explore how sound is made, as they listen and respond to the elements of music: beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, and tone colour.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Explore a variety of materials and tools and discover elements and selected principles.
Developing Ideas
Students will:
Improvise and explore movement ideas in response to a variety of stimuli.
Students will:
Contribute and develop ideas in drama, using personal experience and imagination.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Explore and express sounds and musical ideas, drawing on personal experience, listening, and imagination.
Explore ways to represent sound and musical ideas.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Investigate visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination.
Communicating and Interpreting
Students will:
Share dance movement through informal presentation and share their thoughts and feelings in response to their own and others’ dances.
Students will:
Share drama through informal presentation and respond to ways in which drama tells stories and conveys ideas in their own and others’ work.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Share music making with others.
Respond to live and recorded music.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Share the ideas, feelings, and stories communicated by their own and others’ objects and images.
Level 2
Understanding the Arts in Context
Students will:
Identify and describe dance in their lives and in their communities.
Students will:
Identify and describe how drama serves a variety of purposes in their lives and their communities.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Explore and share ideas about music from a range of sound environments and recognise that music serves a variety of purposes and functions in their lives and in their communities.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Share ideas about how and why their own and others’ works are made and their purpose, value, and context.
Developing Practical Knowledge
Students will:
Explore and identify, through movement, the dance elements of body, space, time, energy, and relationships.
Students will:
Explore and use elements of drama for different purposes.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Explore and identify how sound is made and changed, as they listen and respond to the elements of music and structural devices.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Explore a variety of materials and tools and discover elements and selected principles.
Developing Ideas
Students will:
Use the elements of dance in purposeful ways to respond to a variety of stimuli.
Students will:
Develop and sustain ideas in drama, based on personal experience and imagination.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Improvise, explore, and express musical ideas, drawing on personal experience, listening, and imagination.
Explore ways to represent sound and musical ideas.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Investigate and develop visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination.
Communicating and Interpreting
Students will:
Share dance movement through informal presentation and identify the use of the elements of dance.
Students will:
Share drama through informal presentation and respond to elements of drama in their own and others’ work.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Share music making with others, using basic performance skills and techniques.
Respond to live and recorded music.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Share the ideas, feelings, and stories communicated by their own and others’ objects and images.
Level 3
Understanding the Arts in Context
Students will:
Explore and describe dances from a variety of cultures.
Students will:
Investigate the functions and purposes of drama in cultural and historical contexts.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Identify and describe the characteristics of music associated with a range of sound environments, in relation to historical, social, and cultural contexts.
Explore ideas about how music serves a variety of purposes and functions in their lives and in their communities.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Investigate the purpose of objects and images from past and present cultures and identify the contexts in which they were or are made, viewed, and valued.
Developing Practical Knowledge
Students will:
Use the dance elements to develop and share their personal movement vocabulary.
Students will:
Use techniques and relevant technologies to explore drama elements and conventions.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Explore and identify how sound is made and changed, as they listen and respond to music and apply knowledge of the elements of music, structural devices, and technologies.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Explore some art-making conventions, applying knowledge of elements and selected principles through the use of materials and processes.
Developing Ideas
Students will:
Select and combine dance elements in response to a variety of stimuli.
Students will:
Initiate and develop ideas with others to create drama.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Express and shape musical ideas, using musical elements, instruments, and technologies in response to sources of motivation.
Represent sound and musical ideas in a variety of ways.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Develop and revisit visual ideas, in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination, supported by the study of artists’ works.
Communicating and Interpreting
Students will:
Prepare and share dance movement individually and in pairs or groups.
Use the elements of dance to describe dance movements and respond to dances from a variety of cultures.
Students will:
Present and respond to drama, identifying ways in which elements, techniques, conventions, and technologies combine to create meaning in their own and others’ work.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Prepare and present brief performance of music, using performance skills and techniques.
Respond to and reflect on live and recorded music.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Describe the ideas their own and others’ objects and images communicate.
Level 4
Understanding the Arts in Context
Students will:
Explore and describe how dance is used for different purposes in a variety of cultures and contexts.
Students will:
Investigate the functions, purposes, and technologies of drama in cultural and historical contexts.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Identify and describe the characteristics of music associated with a range of sound environments, in relation to historical, social, and cultural contexts.
Explore ideas about how music serves a variety of purposes and functions in their lives and in their communities.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Investigate the purpose of objects and images from past and present cultures and identify the contexts in which they were or are made, viewed, and valued.
Developing Practical Knowledge
Students will:
Apply the dance elements to extend personal movement skills and vocabularies and to explore the vocabularies of others.
Students will::
Select and use techniques and relevant technologies to develop drama practice.
Use conventions to structure drama.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Apply knowledge of the elements of music, structural devices, and technologies through integrating aural, practical, and theoretical skills.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Explore and use art-making conventions applying knowledge of elements and selected principles through the use of materials and processes.
Developing Ideas
Students will:
Combine and contrast the dance elements to express images, ideas, and feelings in dance, using a variety of choreographic processes.
Students will:
Initiate and refine ideas with others to plan and develop drama.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Express, develop, and refine musical ideas, using the elements of music, instruments, and technologies in response to sources of motivation.
Represent sound and musical ideas in a variety of ways.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Develop and revisit visual ideas, in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination, supported by the study of artists’ works.
Communicating and Interpreting
Students will:
Prepare and present dance, with an awareness of the performance context.
Describe and record how the purpose of selected dances is expressed through the movement.
Students will:
Present and respond to drama, identifying ways in which elements, techniques, conventions, and technologies create meaning in their own and others’ work.
Music – Sound Arts
Students will:
Prepare, rehearse, and present performance of music, using performance skills and techniques.
Reflect on the expressive qualities of their own and others’ music, both live and recorded.
Visual Arts
Students will:
Explore and describe ways in which meanings can be communicated and interpreted in their own and others’ work.