Lesson6.Action Plan for Recruitment
In the previous unit, the concept of recruitment, the source and method to ensure that good heads come to the organization was explained. In this particular unit, we will take another perspective in recruiting. Action plan for recruiting will ensure a steady flow of work force at the minimal cost. The action here is centred mostly on internal resourcing and flexibility working arrangements. This is because of the inability to make firm prediction of human resources need in time of rapid changes. Take time to digest this unit, as it will add to your practical knowledge in the field of human resources planning.
At the end of this unit,you willdo the following;
- Action Plan for Recruitment
Action plans are derived from the broad resourcing strategies and the more detailed analysis of demand and supply factors Armstrong (2001). He pointed put that plans however often short and flexible because it will not be to make serious prediction of human resources need in time of rapid changes.
Plans need to be prepared in the areas of resourcing, flexibility, retention and down sizing.
- The Resourcing Plan
This deals with the best method of getting people from within the organization, to recruit their externally and to attract high quality candidate.
- Internal Resourcing
The first step is to analyse the availability of suitable from within the organization by reference to assessments of potential and a skill data base. The database should contain updated list of employee with skills needed by the organization. This provides the basis of decision and steps taken to promote, redeploy and also provide additional experience and training to eligible staff. Plans could also be made to use the existing employees. The Recruitment plan – Armstrong (2001 pg 357-380) pointed out a good recruitment plan should incorporate:
- The numbers and types of employees required to make up any deficits, and when they are needed.
- The likely sources of candidate – Schools, colleges of further education, university, advertising, internet etc.
- Plan for tapping alternative sources eg part-timers.
- How the recruitment programme will be conducted.
Employer’s Choice Plan
This include plan for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an “employer of choice” This could be achieved by improving the image of the company and by offering.
- Better remuneration package
- More opportunities for development, training and careers;
- Enhanced future employability because of the reputation of the organization as one that employs and develop high-quality people as well as the learning opportunities it provides:
- Employment conditions which address work-like balance issues by ie adopting working hours and arrangements and leave polices and providing child care facilities or vouchers to meet the needs of those with domestic.
- Better facilities aid scope for knowledge workers, e.g research and development scientists or engineer or IT specialists.
*‘Golden hellos’ (some of money paid up front to recruits).
- Generous relocation payments.
Flexibility Plan
Armstrong pointed out that the aim of flexibility plan should be to:-
1. Provide for greater operational flexibility 2. Improve utilization of employees’ skills and capacities 3. Reduce employment costs. 4. Help to achieve downsizing and in a way which avoids the need for compulsory redundancies. 5. Increase productivity
Other alternative plans to full time employees use of part-time workers.
Advantages of Using Part Worker
1. More scope for flexing hour worked 2. Better utilization of plant and equipment by, for example, the introduction of a ‘twilight shift’ 3. Lower unit labour costs because overtime level for full time 4. Higher productivity on repetitive work because part time worker can give more attention to their work during their shorter working day.
This disadvantages are
- Part-timers are generally less willing to undertake afternoon or evening work, may find it more difficult to vary their hours of work and may be less mobile.
- Rate of labour turnover may be higher among part-timers
- Part-timers may be less committed than full time employees.
This is an arrangement whereby two employees share the work of the full time position, dividing pay and benefits between them according to the time each works.
- This can be dome also by splitting days or weeks or less frequently, working alternate weeks. The advantages of job-sharing include reduced employee turnover and absenteeism because it suits the need of the individuals.
- It makes for greater continuity
- Wider employee pool can be tapped for those who cannot work full time but want payment employment.
- The administrative cost involved
- Risk of responsibility been divided.
Shift Working Arrangement
These can be introduced or modified on demand requirements, reduce over time or provide better plant or equipment utilization. Flexible Hour Arrangement This flexibility plan in one or more of the following ways:-
- Flexible denly hours – These may follow an agreed pattern day by day according to typical or expected work loads.
- Flexible weekly hour – Providing for longer weekly hours to be worked at certain peak periods during the year.
- Compressed working weeks in which employees work fewer than the five standard days.
- Annual hour – Scheduling employee hours on the bases of the number of hours to be worked, with provision for the increase or reduction of hours in an given period, according to the demand for goods and services.
- Compressed working weeks in which employees work fewer than the five standard days.
- Flexible weekly hour – Providing for longer weekly hours to be worked at certain peak periods during the year.
This will enable
- Resources to be concentrated on core business activities.
- Employment cost to be reduced
- Flexibility and productivity to be increased
- Job security for core employee to be enhanced.
The potential draw backs include
- The legal stating of subcontractors – This has to be clarified for income tax, national insurance and employment legislation purpose.
- The degree to which subcontractors will be able to meet delivery and quality requirements. It may be more difficult to control their work.
- Negative reactions from employees and trade various who prefer work to be kept within the company.
In this unit, the nee provide continuous flow human resource in the organization through action plan as was taught
Action plan constitutes broad resourcing strategies and more detail analysis of supply and demand factors. Organizations need to put plan in place especially in the area of resourcing, flexibility, retention and downsizing. It is note worthy to understand organizations are to choose best method flexibility plans to march its business environment. Also action plan for recruitment here should be short and flexible because of dynamism and rapid charges in business environment. We have learnt that action plan for recruitment provides broad resourcing strategies given cognizance to demand and supply factor of human resources. It also provide plans for resourcing, flexibility, retention and downsizing. Resourcing deals with the best way of getting people into the organization. It could be internal or external. We also ensure that recruitment plan should put certain elements into consideration to make it reliable however the onus lies with employers to make choice in term of attracting good and high calibre employees. It was painted that apart from full-time there are other flexible alternative working arrangement that are available to the employers. These could include part-time work, job sharing, shrift work arrangement, subcontracting. With knowledge you have acquired in this unit, you have seen that recruitment goes the process of brink manage good employees demand as serious planning human resources management |