Foundation interview skills in Second Life
From WikiEducator
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"Engaging with Second Life; Real Education in a Virtual World" is a project funded through the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission's Encouraging and Supporting Innovation Fund, and began in July 2008. The project aims to determine and understand the additional value of an environment such as Second Life to adult learning experiences. The Foundation Pilot, part of this SLENZ(Second Life Education in New Zealand) project is aimed at engaging foundation students in the process of interviewing.
There are two parts to the following resources:
- student information (listed below)- this all appears in SL on noticeboards and note cards, and
- teacher resources - lesson ideas for using the SL build more effectively.
- CV Resume
- Job choice
- Be prepared
- Best image
- Interview types and stages
- Employer expectations
- Key communication skills
- Interview dos
- Interview donts
- Difficult questions and legal rights
- Cultural considerations
- Follow up self assessment