Evaluation of eLearning for Effective Practice Guidebook/Class Projects/Katie and Rachel - project page
Katie and Rachel - Evaluation Plan
Provide an overview of the intentions and design of evaluation project, and introduce major sections of the plan as well as the primary people involved in writing the plan.
Present any information which is needed to provide the reader with an understanding of the background of the eLearning that is being evaluated and the rationale.
Describe the purposes of the evaluation, that is, what you are evaluating and the intended outcomes.
Outline any limitations to the interpretation and generalizability of the evaluation. Also describe potential threats to the reliability and validity of the evaluation design and instrumentation.
Specify all the primary and secondary audiences or consumers of the evaluation.
This section is probably the most difficult, but it should be included if the evaluation is to have meaningful impact on decision-making. Both positive and negative outcomes should be anticipated.
List your 'big picture' evaluation questions and sub-questions here. A key element of a sound evaluation plan is careful specification of the questions to be addressed by the evaluation design and data collection methods. The clearer and more detailed these questions are, the more likely that you will be able to provide reliable and valid answers to them. Note: The eLearning Guidelines can assist here.
Describe the evaluation design and procedures. Match the method to the purposes and questions of your evaluation, and the phase of eLearning, e.g., analysis, design, development, implementation.
Specify exactly which students and personnel will participate in the evaluation. If necessary, a rationale for sample sizes should also be included.
Outline all the evaluation instruments and tools to be used in the evaluation. Actual instruments, e.g., questionnaire, interview questions etc., should be included in appendices.
Logistics and Timeline
Outline the steps of the evaluation in order of implementation, analysis, and reporting of the evaluation, and include a timeline.
Provide a rough costing of the evaluation process. For example, the evaluator's time and costs, payment of other participants etc.,