CCNC/CCNC Module 4/Working with and in cells/Modifying column widths and row heights

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Tutorial.png Presentation Basics 

Selection in a worksheet | Inserting within a worksheet | Deleting rows and columns in a worksheet | Modifying column widths and row heights | Entering data in cells | Making changes to the contents of cells | Shifting cells | Using the Search and Replace Command | Sorting data | Show Me Xine.png | Summary & FAQs

Modifying column widths and row heights

There may be times when you will need to adjust the size of the cells in the columns and rows of your worksheet. Typically this is required if the existing size cannot adequately accomodate the amount of text that should be included. You will therefore need to adjust the width of the column and/or the height of the row. Resizing may be done in either of two ways. To resize a single row or a single column, you may use the mouse. To resize one or more than one column or row, you may use Format on the menu Bar. What this means is that you can choose between the two methods for resizing a single row or column, but you must use Format for more than one row or column.

Now do it

Resize the width of a column using the mouse

  • Position the cursor on the right hand border of the column letter box. You can only use the right hand border for adjusting the width of the column you want to resize.
  • Hold down the left hand mouse button and drag the border to the left or right to make the column narrower or wider as required. As you carry out this action, the width of the column will be displayed, as shown below.


Icon present.gif
Tip: What do you think will happen if you positioned the cursor on the lefthand border of the letterbox of the column you want to resize?

Resize the height of a row using the mouse

  • Position the cursor on the lower border of the row number. You can only use the lower border to adjust the size of the row you are interested in.
  • Hold down the left hand mouse button and drag the border down or up. The height of the row will be displayed.
Icon present.gif
Tip: What do you think will happen if you positioned the cursor on the upper border of the row number you want to resize?

Resize one or more columns using Format

  • Select the column(s) whose width you wish to change
  • Format->Column->Width

This brings up the Format column width dialogue


  • Enter a value in the Width window
  • Click OK

Resize one or more rows using Format

  • Select the row(s) whose height you wish to change.
  • Format->Row->Height

This brings up the Format row height dialogue


  • Check the Default value check box to select the default row height.
  • Click OK