From WikiEducator
Tentative ideas for actions
Opportunities group
MOOC focus - Niche MOOCs for Malaysia
- Join OCW upload content
- Human capital development - promotion, training and buy-in from top management
- Market analysis for high demand courses
- Identify funding agency for research and development in MOOCs
- Cost reduction strategies (Curriculum amendments, scaling up.)
Barriers group
- Building open infrastructure - OSS, Money?
- Capability for collaboration - Start with Common ideas / common ground within Asia
- Recognition, rewards and incentives
- Accreditation - challenges with online only / blended learning?
Policy group
- National / institutional policy review (DEPAN, e-learning policy and other relevant policies)
- Establish committee / panel of reviewers for quality / accreditation/ student learning time.
- Practical training
- Commons - Monkey self-portrait
- itv Report - Monkey selfie
- * UNESCO 2012 Paris OER Declaration formally adopted at the 2012 World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 20 – 22 June 2012
- OP Open Policy
- Open Policy Network