Introduction to project management/IPM103/Assessment/putting it all together

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Now that you have all of the individual parts of the assessment task, it is important that you can fit it all together. This should result in a coherent plan which is of a standard that could be used to run a project.

Marking Rubric

Use the guidelines in this rubric to gauge how well you have achieved this.


Criteria Marks
Excellent use of language.
All information is clearly communicated.
Appropriate for a business audience.
Document is very well presented, with clear sections and relevant headings.
Objective of the document is apparent.
No noticeable spelling or grammatical errors.
Language is understandable.
Nearly all information is clearly communicated.
Appropriate for a business audience.
Document is well presented; sections are apparent and headings make sense.
Objective is given.
Very few spelling or grammatical errors.
Language lacks clarity.
Some information missing.
Generally appropriate for a business audience.
Separate sections are apparent.
Objective is ambiguous.
A few spelling or grammatical errors.

Coherence of report

Criteria Marks
All sections of the report are fully integrated and in no way contradict each other.
The overall plan is complete and is comprehensive enough to guide the project.
There are clear relationships between the sections of the plan.
Some minor gaps are evident.
The plan is complete enough to give general direction to the project.
All the sections required are present; there is some linkage between the plans but significant gaps exist.
The project will require significant additional guidance to align with its objectives and scope.