World history/WHME101/Scientific and industrial revolutions/Review

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Scientific and Industrial Revolutions Multiple Choice Review Quiz

Complete the quiz below to review your knowledge of the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions. If you are planning to complete this course for credit, this quiz will help you to prepare for your test.

  • During the Industrial Revolution, __________ caused many people to move to the cities.
    • improved transportation
      • Incorrect. Transport did improve during the Industrial Revolution, but it was not the main cause of migration. Review 'The Industrial Revolution' activity to find the answer.
    • factory jobs in cities.
      • Correct. Well done!
    • an increase in the food supply.
      • Incorrect. The food supply did increase during this period, due to the agricultural revolution occurring in Britain at roughly the same time, but this was not a leading cause of migration.
    • all of the above.
      • Incorrect. One primary factor drove the migration to cities during the industrial revolution. Review 'The Industrial Revolution' activity to find the answer.
  • The coal-driven __________ became crucial to Britain’s Industrial Revolution.
    • spinning jenny
      • Incorrect. The spinning jenny was an important invention in the industrialization of weaving, but it was not coal-driven. Review 'The Industrial Revolution' activity to find the answer.
    • flying shuttle.
      • Incorrect. The flying shuttle was a key invention in the early industrialization of weaving, but it was not coal-driven. Review 'The Industrial Revolution' activity to find the answer.
    • steam engine.
      • Correct. Well done! The steam engine was a pivotal element in the Industrial Revolution.
    • loom.
      • Incorrect. Looms existed prior to the Industrial Revolution. Review 'The Industrial Revolution' activity to find the answer.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus was primarily for his achievements in:
    • Mathematics
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • Physics
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • Astronomy
      • Correct. Well done!
    • Philosophy
        • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Which of the below was NOT a cause of the Scientific Revolution?
    • improvements in scientific instruments.
        • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • the recovery of classical scholarship during the Renaissance.
        • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • the challenges of navigation during sea voyages.
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • the support of the papacy.
      • Correct. Well done!
  • Nicolaus Copernicus:
    • discovered the law of gravity.
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • consolidated the use of the scientific method as standard practice in the field.
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • was forced by the Catholic Church to recant his thesis.
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Scientific Revolution in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • created a model placing the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the centre of the universe.
      • Correct. Well done!

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Scientific and Industrial Revolutions True/False Review Quiz

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

  • Key figures of the Scientific Revolution include Galileo, Kepler, Vesalius, Ptolemy and Newton.
    • True
      • Incorrect. Ptolemy lived in the second century! The other names are correct.
    • False
      • Correct. Well done!
  • Vesalius substantially advanced understanding of the human body.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on 'The Origins of the Scientific Revolution' in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • The Scientific Revolution is completely unrelated to the later political revolutions in America and France.
    • True
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the 'Political Impact of the Scientific Revolution' in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • False
      • Correct. Well done!
  • The Industrial Revolution began in England.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review 'The Industrial Revolution' activity to find the answer.
  • Industrialization was a major cause of urbanization.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on 'The Impact of the Industrial Revolution in Europe' in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.